2006 Media Release Archive
21 December 2006
Nappy subsidies prove successful, funding increased
19 December 2006
Councillors give staff go-ahead on Cycling Strategy
Vbase to report back on Civic Building Project in February
Wendt headlines Vitu Pacific Arts Festival
18 December 2006
Community wants changes to management of fishing off the pier
15 December 2006
CCHL successor announced
General traffic or limited use for City Mall roads?
Joint venture for new curator for Botanic Gardens announced
14 December 2006
City Council approves Events Strategy
Council passes amended City Mall design concept
13 December 2006
Council continues preparations as its largest union is set to strike
Celebrating Hornby and Youth the flavour of two new exhibitions
12 December 2006
Last week of submissions on the Greater Christchurch UDS
11 December 2006
Christchurch to get $10.6 million, city-wide high-speed broadband investment
Standard and Poor’s Credit rating – AA+ confirmed
7 December 2006
New claim from dog control officers prompts partial lockout
6 December 2006
Post-consultation City Mall plan unveiled to Councillors
5 December 2006
Local talent highlighted at Aranui Affirm 2006
4 December 2006
Final weeks and open sessions for Urban Development Strategy feedback
1 December 2006
Further development on proposed industrial action
SummerTimes calendar includes special Kiwi-themed treat
Christchurch City Council disappointed at strike vote
2006 Christchurch Civic Awards to be presented next Wednesday, 6 December
30 November 2006
Speed limits on some city streets are now changed
23 November 2006
City celebrates cultural diversity award
20 November 2006
Council addresses health and safety issues at Edgeware Pool
Project Awhi founder to visit city to share views on building healthy families
16 November 2006
Council to close customer service counters early on 21 November
Bus Priority Trial underway on Hills Road
14 November 2006
Change to support higher Capital Programme targets
Black Point consent application to proceed non-notified
9 November 2006
Council decides on Hillmorton Hospital site
Council adopts its 2006 Waste Management Plan
Progress in mediation for Council staff
Garden unveiling at Upper Riccarton Library today
8 November 2006
Second Turners and Growers agreement signed
Council to subsidise starter-packs of washable nappies to reduce waste
Public have their say on proposed City Mall plan
Consultation now underway on the future of fishing off the pier
Will the draft Urban Development Strategy build a Greater Christchurch?
7 November 2006
Council seeks feedback on proposed changes to rules on height and bulk of buildings
Draft plans for Hagley Park/Botanic Gardens draw strong response
1 November 2006
Resource Consent granted for central city development
Christchurch fire restrictions now in force
31 October 2006
Christchurch City Council and Southern Local Government Officers Union agree on mediation
30 October 2006
Fireworks Fantasia to launch torpedo-like firework
27 October 2006
Only new coins now in parking machines
26 October 2006
Christchurch City Council announces new vehicle policy
Moorhouse Avenue – traffic delays expected.
18 October 2006
Childhood innocence and new nationhood reflected in Heritage Week exhibitions
17 October 2006
City Council to receive its Performance Excellence Study Award
Heritage Ambassador Award for 2006 to be presented
16 October 2006
Children and Family Fun Day at The Groynes - 29 October
Public invited to ceremony to celebrate unveiling of The Cloak of Peace in Nagasaki
14 October 2006
Pump station breaks down in the Woolston area
13 October 2006
City Council approves Port noise agreement
12 October 2006
Letterbox drop in the Riccarton area a hoax
11 October 2006
WhisperGen test room helping heat central Christchurch pool
Melbourne Cup arrives in Christchurch Thursday, 12 October
Ferrymead Bridge Lifelines Project – notification of Resource Consent
Look out for the zebra crossing
City’s good bad and ugly revealed during Heritage Week cemetery tours
10 October 2006
Second stage of Sumner stormwater pipeline to commence
The Hub to become centre of Hornby history for Carter Group Heritage Week 2006
9 October 2006
Akaroa overnight stay for Carter Group Heritage Week 2006
US Sociologist and Designer Patricia Moore gives presentation to a full house
8 October 2006
Take a dance down memory lane at the Great Hall 1940s Tea Dance
5 October 2006
Mayor’s Announcement at Council Meeting 5 October 2006, 9:30am
Mayor announces resignation of Chief Executive Dr Lesley McTurk
3 October 2006
City Council wraps up gambling policy hearings
2 October 2006
Public being asked about long-term transport options for south and west of Christchurch
28 September 2006
City Council proposal aims to improve capital programme delivery
Christchurch Mayor Garry Moore will not seek fourth term
Over 350 events for Carter Group Heritage Week: 13 to 23 October
27 September 2006
Christchurch to welcome World Peace Bell
26 September 2006
City Council keen to improve pedestrian safety
Changes to speed limits proposed on some Christchurch roads
22 September 2006
Draft Events Strategy released for public comment
Draft Events Strategy released for public comment
Council Working Party on Development Contributions Policy
21 September 2006
Christchurch City Council staff more engaged than a year ago
Council’s new shop-front Council service centre to open in Lyttelton
19 September 2006
Council signs $3m plus deal for carbon credits sale
Councils do not produce survival kits.
18 September 2006
Is it a bird? Is it a place? … actually, it’s both as the godwits return
15 September 2006
Chch City Council wants public feedback on City Mall design
Long-term Water Supply Strategy proposed for Akaroa
14 September 2006
Council briefed on Taylors Mistake baches
13 September 2006
Council wins Performance Excellence Study Award
12 September 2006
Addington street party to celebrate new street works and artwork
11 September 2006
Maori leader keynote speaker at It’s Time to Talk
Does your recreation organisation or sports club need funding?
9 September 2006
Canterbury’s favourite book has been found
8 September 2006
In-road bus stops to be trialled along Hills Road in Christchurch
Clean up the world, starting with Christchurch’s back yard
7 September 2006
Council moves forward on central city revitalisation
6 September 2006
Council’s community grants help build stronger communities
World Wheelchair Rugby Championships 2006 begin next Tuesday
5 September 2006
Ocean Outfall project reaches milestone
1 September 2006
Council applauds police efforts against meter theft
World Vintage Rugby Carnival coming to Christchurch in 2008
31 August 2006
No exception for Strip entertainment area in public rentals policy
30 August 2006
Last few days to register to help Clean Up the World
Council receives Coroner’s report
28 August 2006
Public airs views at meeting on draft Hagley Park/ Botanic Gardens Plans
Science in the City lecture series looks at clover root weevil
25 August 2006
Public gets first progress report on Greater Christchurch UDS
24 August 2006
Gardens’ golden blooms a temptation but best left for all to enjoy
Council welcomes Government’s rates probe
Major traffic delays expected on the corner of Moorhouse and Montreal
Christchurch City Council announces vehicle policy review
23 August 2006
Blenheim Road deviation construction traffic delays
22 August 2006
Art Gallery names new Projects and Team Facilitation Manager
Sister City relationship takes a creative step forward
21 August 2006
Proposed Council stormwater works in Sumner
Three out of four Christchurch applicants getting full Rates Rebate
Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board’s 2006 Heritage Awards
18 August 2006
Council to look again at undergrounding in Jade Stadium area
Recycling of Telephone Books
Council says ERA decision fair
Greens’ waste Bill well intended but needs work, CCC suggests
16 August 2006
Art Gallery names new Visitor Experience Manager
15 August 2006
Council appoints new General Manager
13 August 2006
Unstable cliff face forces two evacuations
11 August 2006
Council performs well in last financial year
Section of Dyers Pass Road reduced to one lane
Art Gallery visitor numbers rise for second consecutive month
Recreation tracks forced to close for at least two weeks
Nominations now being taken for Christchurch’s Civic Awards
10 August 2006
Public invited to hear about strengthening ties to Wuhan gardens
9 August 2006
Mairehau residents like their community
Community solution to refurbish Edgeware Pool fails to comply
8 August 2006
Community update meetings on UDS
7 August 2006
Dress-up as your favourite celebrity this Sunday, 13 August
5 August 2006
Canterbury’s top 20 books have now been found – time to find a winner
4 August 2006
Council prefers Orion site for new Civic Offices
Recreation and Sports Unit realignment delivers more cost-effective service
Morrison Ave Reserve opening (Sat, 10am) to celebrate efforts of many
1 August 2006
City Mall option unveiled
31 July 2006
Financial help for character home owners could be available
Council finalises festivals, events funding for 2006/07 year
Council approves support for economic development
28 July 2006
Edgeware Pool closure the only option
Realignment strengthens city libraries capacity to deliver better customer service
Jade Stadium development works with community
27 July 2006
Jade Stadium upgrade will take into account concerns of locals
Council targeting world-class status
Council will not go ahead with service centre change
Submission period extended for New Brighton High-Rise Study
Search for Canterbury’s favourite book attracts strong interest
26 July 2006
Submissions due to close on gaming machines policy
25 July 2006
New Art Gallery director appointed
New roading technique saves on time and materials
24 July 2006
Second stage of Central City revitalisation to be shown at seminar
Christchurch - New Zealand’s first city - turning 150
Guest lecturer from the United States to speak this Friday
Energy efficient and sustainable housing, what is it?
Pay-and-Display machines go live in the city
20 July 2006
City’s sole entry in film festival a tribute to perseverance – CCC
Community consultation on draft Hagley Park and Botanic Gardens Plans starts 21 August
18 July 2006
Chch City Council announces City Environment management team
14 July 2006
Christchurch and Selwyn councillors meet about plains water
13 July 2006
Search begins to find Canterbury's favourite book
Christchurch Art Gallery visitor numbers up 34 per cent
Report released on Council’s review of its funding of Converge 05
11 July 2006
Ten trees to be removed from Perry Street
6 July 2006
Christchurch City welcomes Government’s housing support
3 July 2006
Capital Programme to be delivered as shared service
30 June 2006
Long-term plan change aims to ease St Albans concerns about pool
Council approves 10-year community plan
29 June 2006
Mayor welcomes more land transport funds
Recreation and Sports Unit proposed realignment
28 June 2006
First new Pay-and-Display machines for High Street
27 June 2006
Public meeting on gaming machines policy
Microchipping of dogs to proceed
Public invited to view high-rise scenarios and their affects in New Brighton
Council reduces its kerb and channel renewal programme
23 June 2006
Westburn School to launch travel plan
22 June 2006
Council, Red Cross want help to cheer snow-bound neighbours
Libraries proposed realignment adds value for customers
Science in the City presents: Bird flu – one year on
21 June 2006
Shop opens to display City Mall plans
19 June 2006
Council to update community on New Brighton high-rise findings
16 June 2006
Councils deploy small Civil Defence team to help out in Ashburton
15 June 2006
Council moves to resolve Strip dispute
Christchurch City Council moves to resolve Strip dispute
Knowledge unveiling at Upper Riccarton Library
Council correct in hours of work interpretation
Christchurch City Council wraps up Community Plan deliberations
TV2 KidsFest box office opens this Saturday, 17 June
9 June 2006
Crowds flock to Beaton exhibition
7 June 2006
New structure for Art Gallery announced
Applications sought for the Burwood/Pegasus Physical Sport and Recreation Fund
2 June 2006
Samoan Independence to be celebrated at Pioneer Stadium
Gaming Venues and TAB policy out for comment
1 June 2006
Hundreds of people taking part in Chch City Council Plan hearings
27 May 2006
Christchurch to celebrate Crusaders’ victory on Monday (29 May) at midday in Cathedral Square
25 May 2006
Council’s Community Plan submission hearings begin
City Environment Group realignment
Council agrees on options for consulting on gaming machines policy
Council signals more discussions on Development Contributions Policy
24 May 2006
Chch City Council gains agreement on ocean outfall conditions
Council wants town painted red …. and black
23 May 2006
Initial Concept Proposals for City Mall Unveiled
Christchurch City Council jobs website outage this weekend (27-28 May)
Council receives amended application on Black Point
22 May 2006
Council to decide on gaming machines policy options
19 May 2006
Council set for public feedback on long-term community plan
18 May 2006
Road through Latimer Square to be stopped next Monday
16 May 2006
Development Contributions Policy may get more time
12 May 2006
Canterbury marks graduation of 217 apprentices
10 May 2006
Science in the City – special lecture series on climate change
9 May 2006
Aranui community to officially open Ben Rarere Avenue on Friday (12 May)
8 May 2006
Finalists chosen in 2006 Crashbash competition
5 May 2006
City Council has received about 1300 submissions on its draft plan
Port Hills memorial to Ian Howell unveiled
2 May 2006
Ideas flowing for City Mall redevelopment
28 April 2006
Council advised to relax gaming machines policy
27 April 2006
New appointments strengthen regulatory functions
24 April 2006
Governor General to attend Christchurch’s ANZAC Day dawn service
20 April 2006
Return to Monte Cassino exhibition opens Monday
18 April 2006
Christchurch Council first non-European to join energy smart association
13 April 2006
Council supports preservation of historic Lyttelton cottage
11 April 2006
Disabled person exchange heads to Kurashiki
Tony Preston retires from Council
7 April 2006
Prevention better than cure warns City Council
6 April 2006
Council approves two further 40km/h school speed zones
5 April 2006
Deaf community gathering to celebrate sign language recognition
Delays likely at Beach and Mairehau Roads intersection
4 April 2006
Bus priority measures considered for Colombo, Papanui and Queenspark corridors
National changes to be introduced for dog-owners
3 April 2006
Council disappointed at waste minimisation levy judgement
31 March 2006
Ocean Outfall pipeline construction – tender issued
Strong demand for Long-Term Council Community Plan
Pacific secondary school students the focus of I-Pacific 2006 Week
New project leaders keen to progress Greater Christchurch UDS
29 March 2006
Christchurch design for city’s new parking meters
Major Surgery Needed On City Mall, Say Designers
28 March 2006
Work begins to make safe private properties in Sandilands
27 March 2006
Draft 10-year community plan available for public feedback
Look out zebra crossing
23 March 2006
Christchurch City Council abandons appeal against brothels ruling
21 March 2006
City Council launches Xsite public artist register
Community leader from Seattle aims to get people talking
Science in the City presents – Towards Zero Waste
20 March 2006
Deadline for Sister Cities Young Artists Competition extended
17 March 2006
Hearing set for proposed Earthquake-Prone Buildings Policy
On-line discussion site for Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy goes live
16 March 2006
Council votes not to go to mediation with bar owners
15 March 2006
Public asked to help plan future of Avon River Corridor
13 March 2006
Odour possible as the Christchurch Wastewater Treatment Plant is upgraded
Development Contributions Policy projected to ease rates $160m over next 10 years
10 March 2006
Community asked to take futuristic look at public transport
8 March 2006
Council investigates whether apartment developments suit New Brighton
5 March 2006
Rick Armstrong Motors Classical Sparks to go ahead tonight
4 March 2006
Rick Armstrong Motors Classical Sparks postponed
3 March 2006
Flooding predicted for parts of Christchurch
2 March 2006
World Strongman Ssireum competition to mark Korea Day
28 February 2006
Last few weeks to comment on Heritage Issues and Options Paper
25 February 2006
Banks Peninsula local body election preliminary results
24 February 2006
Go By Bike Week rolls into town
22 February 2006
Christchurch and Seattle relationship reaches 25 years
20 February 2006
SummerTimes goes local this week
15 February 2006
Youth artists sought for Sister Cities Art Competition
Vbase Venue Management Group appoints Bryan Pearson chief executive
13 February 2006
International golf free for Christchurch residents
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd (CCHL) makes bid for Lyttelton Port Company
Monte Cassino memorabilia sought for exhibition
Family orienteering event at Bottle Lake this weekend
10 February 2006
Waste management plan moves forward
Submission deadline nears for Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy
Network plans massive beach cleanup
9 February 2006
City Council favours lease arrangement for new building
8 February 2006
Recycling at events this summer
Time to comment on City Plan heritage provisions
2 February 2006
Relax with Saturday Sounds at Parklands Library and café
31 January 2006
No small change for parking meter renewal
Christchurch exhibition, My Place, goes on display in Adelaide
30 January 2006
Which weir do you prefer?
23 January 2006
Feel great this summer – sign up for a Pilates class
20 January 2006
Council asks for patience in river weed battle
A taste of the Ono – Pacific Arts Festival
Community asked to join 'Rocky Rubble Roundup'
19 January 2006
Unfenced spa pools becoming new death traps
17 January 2006
Christchurch’s 2006 ethnic soccer tournament about to kick off
16 January 2006
North Hagley Park backdrop for Thursday’s Queen’s baton welcome
15 January 2006
Join the Gardens’ Curator for a waterwise educational walk
Parkhouse Road Refuse Station reopens
12 January 2006
Go down to the beach and have a blast on 21 January
6 January 2006
Dangerous city trees to go during holiday period
Nominations close for February’s Banks Peninsula elections
5 January 2006
The Great Kids Campout coming to a park near you
4 January 2006
Parkhouse Road Refuse Station closed for at least a week following fire
Applications invited for community waste minimisation fund