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Ocean Outfall pipeline construction – tender issued

31 March 2006

Christchurch City Council today issued the final tender documentation to five companies for the construction of the ocean outfall pipeline.

 The five companies were short-listed in November to proceed to the tender stage after a ‘registration of interest’ and selection process.

 “During the last six weeks the Council has worked through an interactive pre-tender process with the companies which has involved site visits, a discussion of the options, and a review of the documentation,” says John Moore, the Council’s Project Delivery Team Leader. “And, I’m confident we’ll have a suitable company on board by the end of the tender process.”

The method of pipe construction will depend on the response to the tender.

 There is a mix of overseas and local companies which have expertise in both dig and lay (conventional pipe laying) and micro-tunnelling technology (using a tunnel boring machine).

 Instead of the city’s treated wastewater being discharged into the Avon-Heathcote Estuary, the underground pipeline will take it from the oxidation ponds to 3km out intoPegasus Bay.

Tenders close on 31 May 2006 and the Council expects to award the contract for the construction of the ocean outfall pipeline in July/August 2006.

 The project remains on schedule to meet the Environment Court decision that the discharge must be removed from the Estuary by September 2009.


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