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Public gets first progress report on Greater Christchurch UDS

25 August 2006

The public gets its first view of initial investigations into where growth and change might happen in Greater Christchurch at the Urban Development Strategy community meetings to be held throughout the UDS area from Monday.

Which communities could ideally be key transit nodes with potential to be built up and made more accessible by public transport and roads, whilst conserving environmental areas and unique character, are just some factors in the UDS.

The UDS is a collaborative project between the Selwyn and Waimakariri district councils, Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury and Transit New Zealand, aimed to provide a more effective long-term plan for dealing with growth and change.

Along with several stakeholder and special interest representatives, the UDS partners completed a round of Inquiry by Design workshops last month to begin examining where consolidation of growth might occur in future.  Their initial findings will be shared at community meetings as the partners enter a second round of Inquiry by Design workshops to seek resolutions and a way forward on the draft strategy.

The community meetings are as follows:

  • Selwyn Community Meeting, Monday 28 August, 7pm to 8.30pm, Lincoln Community Centre (opposite Challenge Station), Lincoln
  • Christchurch City Community Meeting, Tuesday 29 August, 7pm to 8.30pm, Limes Room, Christchurch Town Hall
  • Rangiora Community Meeting, Wednesday 30 August, 7pm to 8.30pm, Waimakariri District Council Chambers, Rangiora.

The draft UDS will be finalised in September and released for public submissions in October.

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