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On-line discussion site for Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy goes live

17 March 2006

Those passionate about planning long-term for future growth and change in Greater Christchurch can air their views now on the new on-line discussion forum at the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy (UDS) web site.

The Greater Christchurch UDS is a collaborative project between the Christchurch City Council (including former Banks Peninsula district), Waimakariri and Selwyn district councils, Environment Canterbury, and Transit New Zealand to prepare a strategy to manage predicted growth in Greater Christchurch. These partners are further supported by a cross-section of local leaders from the community, business and government organisations.

The online discussion forum – which is currently discussing Public Transport and Water - will help ensure that the public continues to be a part of and inform the drafting of the strategy.  As new topics come up where the  Forum needs a steer or community view, we will introduce these for public input.

Already, the site has attracted some opposing views on public transport with one submitter noting that as far back as the 1929 Canterbury Progress League study, which reported that only two-thirds of the motor-taxation paid by Canterbury motorists was actually being spent on Canterbury highways. Most of it was being spent in Auckland and Wellington and the situation has not changed – losing Canterbury $1.25 billion over the last 50 years. Another submitter dismissed public transport altogether, calling for the City Council to “fix” the Marshland – Prestons Roads intersection and build a six-lane highway from Sumner to north of the Waimakariri.

Whatever your views, feel free to register on the site and have a frank discussion with other submitters or present your own views.

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