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Christchurch City Council



AT 2.00 P.M.

Item  No.  Description                                     Colour      Index     
                                                            Code       Number    
1.         Apologies                                                             
2.         Confirmation of Minutes:                                              
           Inaugural Council Meeting of 6.11.95            WHITE                 
           Council Meeting of 23.11.95                     WHITE                 
3.         Deputations by Appointment                       BUFF                 
4.         Presentation of Petitions                         -                   
5.         Correspondence                                   BLUE                 
6.         Report of the Legal Services Manager            WHITE                 
7.         Report of the Director of Finance                PINK                 
8.         Report/s of the Strategy and Resources           BUFF         1       
9.         Report/s of the Projects and Property          WHITE         2       
10.        Report/s of the Environmental Committee          BLUE         3       
11.        Report/s of the City Services Committee         YELLOW        4       
12.        Report/s of the Community Services               PINK         5       
13.        Report/s of the Central City Committee          WHITE         6       
14.        Report/s of the Parks and Recreation            GREEN         7       
15.        Report of the Resource Management Hearings       BUFF         8       
           Panel on Proposed Plan Change No. 35                                  
16.        Report of the Resource Management Hearings      GREEN                 
           Panel on Proposed Plan Change No. 36                                  
17.        Report of the Resource Management Hearings      YELLOW                
           Panel on Proposed Plan Change No. 38                                  
18.        Report/s of the Burwood/Pegasus  Community      WHITE         9       
19.        Report/s of the Fendalton/Waimairi               BUFF                 
           Community Board                                                       
20.        Report/s of the Hagley/Ferrymead  Community     YELLOW                
21.        Report/s of the Riccarton/Wigram  Community     GREEN                 
22.        Report/s of the Shirley/Papanui  Community       PINK                 
23.        Report/s of the Spreydon/Heathcote               BLUE                 
           Community Board                                                       
24.        Notices of Motion                               WHITE                 
25.        Questions                                         -                   
26.        Resolution to Exclude the Public                 PINK     10          


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