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13. 12. 95


30 NOVEMBER 1995

A meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee

was held on Thursday 30 November 1995 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor G L Freeman (Chairman),

Councillors C D Anderton, G J Berry,

D N Buist, G T Condon, David Cox,

I Ganda and G A Sheriff.

IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor C J Evans.

APOLOGIES: An apology for absence was received and accepted from the Mayor. An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Councillor Anderton. Councillor Buist retired at 4.05 pm, and returned to the meeting at 4.45 pm and was present for clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 & 18. Councillor Anderton arrived at 4.45 pm and was present for clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 & 18.

Councillors Cox and Ganda retired at 5.25 pm and were present for clauses 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 & 16. The Committee reports that: PART A - MATTERS REQUIRING A COUNCIL DECISION


Officer responsible            Author                                
Parks Manager                  Parks Policy & Quality Control        
Corporate Plan Output: Consents and Applications                        
The purpose of this report is to review the Code of Practice for balloon flights from two city parks. INTRODUCTION Following the tragic balloon accident off Waimairi Beach on 19 October 1995 the Acting Parks Manager suspended all further launchings from Hagley and Nunweek Parks, which are the only approved City Council sites, until 13 December 1995.

1 Cont'd

This suspension was to allow the new Council to review its position on balloon launching from Council parks, and should the report be available from the Chief Inspector of Air Accidents Investigation, to consider these findings. It now appears that the findings of the accident investigation will not be available until about March 1996. HISTORY

The Council on 28 September 1994 adopted the following Code of Practice. "HOT AIR BALLOONING CODE OF PRACTICE Any owner or operator of a hot air balloon wishing to operate from a Christchurch City park must in the first instance apply in writing to the Christchurch City Council. Any approval granted shall be subject to the issuing of a licence to use the park designated and to compliance with this Code of Practice, items 1 to 16 inclusive. 1. All balloonists operating from any City Council park must comply with Civil Aviation Regulations and any other Civil Aviation requirements. A requirement to this effect will be incorporated in the licence. 2. The operation not causing a nuisance to the public using the designated park or residing close to the park. 3. The owner/company to take out and maintain public liability insurance with an insurer approved by the Council in the sum of not less than $1,000,000 or such other sum as may be determined by the Council from time to time to cover any damage or claims in respect of the Council's parks and facilities and activities thereon including claims from other parties. 4. The Council to be absolved from any liability whatsoever which may arise through the granting of this approval. The licensee shall indemnify the Council from all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, costs and demands which may be made or brought against the Council (including legal fees and costs incurred) by reason of the permission granted to the licensee and including any act or neglect or default of the licensee's agents, employees or licensees. 5. Generally, only the balloon zone in Hagley Park, being the area adjacent to Park Terrace and Harper Avenue, is to be used for the setting up and launching of balloons. In special circumstances other parks may be made available for limited use and subject to any impacts on the park and local residents being satisfactory. 6. Launching of balloons shall only take place between the hours of 6.30 am to 7.00 pm daily to ensure minimum disturbance to park neighbours, and subject to any conditions or variation of these times that may be imposed by the Council or Civil Aviation Authorities.

1 Cont'd

7. A rental of $50.00 per takeoff or such other sum as may be determined by the Council from time to time will be charged for all flights. The Parks Unit to be given a monthly schedule of flights by the balloon owner/company together with the corresponding copies of the Christchurch Air Traffic Control records in order that the appropriate charges can be made. 8. No permanent advertising is permitted on the designated park, but a sponsorship sign is allowed on the balloon. A sandwich board advertising details of balloon flights to be permitted at the entrance to the park. 9. A maximum of two registered vehicles only to be permitted in the designated park at any one time in connection with the ballooning. No vehicles shall drive across sports grounds under any circumstances. The route for access around the outside of the park to be determined by the Parks Manager. 10. When more than one balloon company is using the same park at any one given time the balloons must be inflated a reasonable and safe distance apart. 11. All costs associated with the ballooning operation including removal of rubbish and equipment from the park to be the responsibility of the licensee. The owner/company to make good any damage to the park to the satisfaction of the Parks Manager or any damage to private property arising from the ballooning operation, and to be pro-active in this regard. 12. The Parks Manager on behalf of the Council may at any time, at his sole discretion, cancel any licence for any reason whatsoever upon service of a notice in writing at the registered office of the company concerned. 13. Any approval granted in accordance with this Code of Practice to be subject to annual review. 14. That, in the event of parks other than Hagley Park North being approved for ballooning, nearby residents to be given advance notification prior to approval. 15. That the Parks Manager be delegated responsibility for approving takeoff locations and issuing licences for this activity in accordance with this Code of Practice. 16. That the Council's Leisure and Community Services Unit administer individual flight applications and fees." It must be stressed that the Council has no jurisdiction over balloon flying, which as with any other aircraft operating over the city is the responsibility of the Civil Aviation authorities. 1 Cont'd

Safety concerns have been raised by a close neighbour of Nunweek Park regarding balloons flying low from take-off over his yard which contains contractors diesel tanks. Clause 13 of the Code of Practice provides for any approval to be subject to an annual review. Therefore the reconsideration of this code is timely given the tragic loss of life resulting from the recent accident. CONCLUSION

The Parks Unit is satisfied that Up Up & Away Ltd, the main user, has operated satisfactorily on these parks without any danger or inconvenience to other park users. However the location of the take-off site on Nunweek Park needs to be reviewed given the concerns of the immediate neighbour. No specific approval has been given to land in parks as generally the balloons fly into open rural land from the city launching sites. Flying over Bottle Lake Forest is a concern should the balloon crash land in an area which, at times, has a very high fire risk. In south-westerly conditions the balloons have been landing at Waimairi Beach Golf Course which is a privately-owned club. It would be reasonable to ban landings in the Bottle Lake Forest or Chaneys Forest during periods of high fire risk. Letters received from two city residents on this issue are tabled. Recommendation: 1. That the present Code of Practice for balloon set up and launching be confirmed, and the suspension lifted. 2. That the launching site at Nunweek Park be relocated away from the neighbouring contractor's property. 3. That Bottle Lake Forest or Chaneys Forest be declared a non-landing zone to all operators during high fire risk periods and be included in the Code of Practice.



Officer responsible                    Author                        
Parks Manager                          Richard Holland               
Corporate Plan Output: Metropolitan Parks, p 9.4.19                     
The purpose of this report is to seek approval to continue the present sub- lease of the shop concession and recreation concession at the Groynes on a month-by-month basis until 31 March 1996.

2 Cont'd

The Groynes Picnic Reserve is one of the city's most popular metropolitan parks serving Christchurch and the Canterbury area. Up to 400,000 visitors per year use the park facilities and enjoy the environment created by the recreation lakes, picnic areas, children's playgrounds, water recreation and walkways. Usage of the park has been increasing by around 5% per annum. The cost to the City Council of maintaining the park is $271,000 per year while development costs would be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars since the former Waimairi District Council commenced developing the original gorse covered paddocks. The development has been continued by the new Christchurch City Council. Prior to 1989 the site was leased from the former North Canterbury Catchment Board. Following local government reorganisation responsibility for river catchment areas was transferred to the Canterbury Regional Council and the Groynes land leases were also transferred to the CRC at that time. The lessee has always been responsible for all administration, maintenance, planning and development costs. For some time Parks Officers have been concerned about the leasing arrangements and the fact that no surveys have been undertaken to identify the total area of the reserve. As costs for a legal survey of the reserve are considerable, this work is being undertaken progressively commencing with the main picnic area. The Canterbury Regional Council has confirmed that once the survey work has been completed, a long term lease will be negotiated between the two Councils. The present lease with the Canterbury Regional Council expires on 1 October 1996 and for the 66 hectares the cost is $1,000 per annum. It is proposed that in early 1996 a new long term lease will be finalised following negotiations between the two Councils. In the meantime the sub-lease to the concessionaires at the Groynes needs to be continued until 31 March 1996. Attempts by the present Lessee to sell the shop and ride-on boat venture have been unsuccessful because of the current lease situation. With no proper security of tenure many prospective purchasers have not been willing to take over the sub-lease. In March 1994 the Parks Unit was authorised to call for registrations of interest from prospective shop concessionaires as the first stage in tendering out the shop concession at the Groynes. It was intended to give notice to the present Lessee when the sub-lease expired on 30 June 1994. However, because the present Lessee owns the buildings on the site and as the long term lease had not been finalised, the shop concession was not tendered and the present Lessee has been allowed to continue on a month-by-month basis. However, because of the quality of the service and the irregular opening hours this arrangement has not been satisfactory. Following a meeting with the present Lessee it is proposed that a month by month licence continue from 1 December 1995 until 31 March 1996, and that the minimum hours of opening will be between 11.00 am and 6.00 pm on the weekends, and during the week 12.00 noon to 5.00 pm dependent on weather. As well, the concessionaire will tidy up the buildings on the site, namely the shop and the recreation boat building, to the satisfaction of the

2 Cont'd Parks Manager and provide signage at the gate detailing his hours of operation. The rental will remain the same as at present for the shop concession and 10% of the boat hire takings assessed on a monthly basis. Recommendation: 1. That the present concession at the Groynes be continued on a month-by-month basis from 1 December 1995 until 31 March 1996 on the condition that the Lessee operate on a regular basis as outlined in the report, and tidy up the buildings to the Parks Manager's satisfaction. 2. That the staff of the Christchurch City Council and Canterbury Regional Council urgently negotiate a long term lease for the Groynes Reserve.


Officer responsible              Author                               
Parks Manager                    Rod Whearty, Area Parks Officer      
Corporate Plan Output: Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board, Vol 1,       
3.1 text 7                                                              
The following report was before the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board at its meeting on 21 November 1995. The purpose of this report is to approve the naming of Jeffreys Park including the area formerly known as Waiwetu Reserve. BACKGROUND

At its August 1995 meeting the previous Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board resolved that the open space development of the former Waimairi Council Works yard and Waiwetu Reserve be named Jeffreys Park subject to the following conditions. 1. The name `Waiwetu Reserve' be deleted and the area be amalgamated into Jeffreys Park. 2. That the view of the local community on the proposed change of naming be sought. 3. That a final decision on the reserve's naming be made once the views of the local community are know. PUBLIC CONSULTATION

A letter box drop outlining the Board's decision was sent out to approximately 150 local residents in September of this year, to gauge the residents' feelings on the naming proposal. A total of 6 responses were received; 3 in favour of deleting the name Waiwetu Reserve and 3 in favour of retaining the name Waiwetu Reserve for that portion of the park.

3 Cont'd


On the surface it would seem that the subject is equally divided. However it is generally accepted that a nil response to a publicity pamphlet on a particular matter is taken as acceptance or approved to the Council's proposal. On that basis it would be fair to conclude that the vast majority of local residents are comfortable with the whole area being known as Jeffreys Park and the area formerly known as Waiwetu Reserve be amalgamated into the new park. The Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board supported the above proposal and referred the report to this Committee with the following recommendation: 1. That the Open Space development of the former Waimairi District Council Works Yard be named Jeffreys Park. 2. The name "Waiwetu Reserve" be deleted and the two areas be amalgamated and named Jeffreys Park. Recommendation: That the above recommendation be adopted.


Officer responsible          Author                                   
Parks Manager                Parks Policy & Quality Control Manager   
Corporate Plan Output: Consents and Applications, Vol III, page         
The purpose of the report is to recommend a delegation to the Parks Manager in relation to the siting of floodlights on sports parks. Under the new City Plan all buildings on sports parks over 8 metres high require a Resource Consent. The Plan defines buildings to include masts, poles, radio and telephone aerials over 6 m above ground level. Under Section 6 Open Space Zones in the new City Plan, all sports parks are zoned Open Space 2. These are the major district parks which provide for a high level of public use of open spaces and recreation areas, plus the provision of buildings and facilities necessary to facilitate both formal and informal recreation. Section 6, paragraph 2.2 Development Standards, states that for Open Space 2 zones the maximum height of any building shall be 8 metres. Therefore as all floodlights are over this height and are at least 10 to 14 metres tall, a Resource Consent will be necessary.

4 Cont'd

When an application is received for floodlights, the applicant club, following discussions with the lighting consultants, will be allocated sites on the park that comply with all the new City Plan conditions and light spill factors on property boundaries which allow no greater light spill than 10.0 lux two metres inside the boundary. The applicants will then be required to apply for Building and Resource Consents and to notify the neighbours to the park affected by the development standards. As these processes will allow consultation with the affected residents it seems an unnecessary step to report the actual position of the lights on the park to the Community Boards or Standing Committee. Accordingly it is suggested authority to site the lights be delegated to the Parks Manager subject to the necessary planning consent being obtained. Recommendation: That the authority to site floodlights on sports parks be delegated to the Parks Manager subject to necessary planning consent being obtained. PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE COMMITTEE AND


5. ELECTION OF DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON Councillor G A Sheriff was elected deputy Chairperson of the Committee.

6. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT (a) CHRISTCHURCH SCHOOL OF GYMNASTICS Mrs Jane Clarke made submissions in support of the Christchurch School of Gymnastics' application to develop a regional training and high performance centre at Queen Elizabeth II Park. (b) RAWHITI PARK CAMPING GROUND

Mr David Payne presented a submission seeking support for the application to lease and upgrade the Rawhiti Camping Ground. (c) SUMNER RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION

Mr B R Hansen addressed the Committee on behalf of the Sumner Residents' Association and expressed the support for the proposed purchase of Scarborough Farm.7. QUEEN ELIZABETH II PARK - SCHOOL OF GYMNASTICS The Leisure & Community Services Manager submitted a report seeking approval in principle for the development of a Regional Training Centre and High Performance Centre of the Christchurch School of Gymnastics at Queen Elizabeth II Park. The Committee resolved: 1. That approval be given to the Leisure & Community Services Manager to discuss further with the School of Gymnastics the establishment of a Regional Training and High Performance Centre at Queen Elizabeth II Park or some other Council property. 2. That the Leisure & Community Services Manager report back to the February meeting of this Committee and the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board on the proposal; the report to address such issues as building size, location, rental, rates, levies and legal title.

8. 2000 WORLD VETERANS' TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS The Leisure & Community Services Manager sought confirmation of the action taken by staff in submitting an application to the New Zealand Table Tennis Association to host the 2000 World Veterans' Table Tennis Championships. The Committee resolved that the action taken be confirmed.

9. GOLDEN OLDIES' RUGBY FESTIVAL The Leisure & Communities Services Manager reported on the highlights and economic benefits of the 1995 Golden Oldies' Rugby Festival which was held in the city from 24 September to 1 October. The success of the Festival was capped off by winning the award for Tourism Event for 1995 and the overall Supreme Tourism Award. The Committee paid tribute to the excellent work done by the Organising Committee in staging this highly successful sporting event, and also to the Leisure & Community Services staff for their contribution to the success of the festival. The Committee resolved: 1. That a function be held to thank the Golden Oldies' Festival Organising Committee for the work they did to ensure the success of the festival. 2. That Leisure & Community Services staff be thanked for their extra effort which ensured the event was successful from the Council's perspective. 3. That, as appropriate, the Leisure & Community Services Unit continue to seek opportunities to bid for major sporting and other events.

10. SPORTARAMA 1996 - 16 & 17 MARCH The Leisure & Community Services Manager reported, updating Councillors on the forthcoming Sportarama 1996 and seeking Parks & Recreation representation on the Sportarama Committee. The Committee resolved: 1. That Councillors Buist and Cox continue to represent the Parks and Recreation Committee on the Sportarama Committee until the 1996 Sportarama. 2. That following Sportarama 1996 a review of the event be undertaken.

11. BOTANIC GARDENS - PEACOCK FOUNTAIN - INSTALLATION OF POND The Parks Manager submitted a report updating the Committee on the Peacock Fountain project, particularly with respect to progress on the fountain pond and associated services. The Committee resolved:

1. That the information be received. 2. That the Committee be kept informed on progress with fund raising for the required balance of funds for the Peacock Fountain project.


The Parks Manager submitted a report updating the Committee on progress on the above project and seeking approval to vary the site for the new sculpture. During discussion on the request Councillor Anderton requested that her concern regarding the proliferation of concrete structures on inner city riverbanks be recorded. The Committee resolved that the site on northern bank of the Avon River (Cambridge Terrace side) opposite the Price Waterhouse building be confirmed.


The Parks Manager submitted a report seeking approval to lease the camping site at Rawhiti Park. The Committee resolved that the future use of the site be readdressed by the Parks Unit, in consultation with the local community.


The Parks Manager reported, recommending the reappointment of the Council's Honorary Wardens. At the present there are 136 people assisting the Parks Unit in this capacity. The warden's principal role is one of observation and education and these volunteers perform a valuable public service, acting as the Park's Unit `eyes and ears' in the community, reporting incidents and damage on parks. The Council has delegated authority to the Committee to appoint Honorary Wardens. The Committee resolved that the persons listed in the schedule attached to the Committee agenda be reappointed as Honorary Wardens, for a further term of three years.

15. ITEMS RECEIVED The Committee received the following reports: 15.1 A report from the Communications & Promotions Manager detailing the programme of events for the 1996 Summertimes Festival. 15.2 A report from the Communications & Promotions Manager detailing the confirmed sponsorships for the 1996 Summertimes Festival. 15.3 A report from Communications & Promotions Manager on Kidsfest 1995.



The Chairman, in seeking approval to introduce a supplementary report on the above topic, explained the reasons why the report had not been included in the main agenda and why it could not wait for the next meeting of the Committee. The Committee resolved that the supplementary report be received and considered at the present meeting.

Officer responsible                    Author                        
Communications & Promotions Manager    Julie Sadler                  
Corporate Plan Output:  Volume II: Events: p 7.5 Text 3                 
This report has been prepared in response to the request made at the Committee's Seminar meeting on 29 November, to place this item on the agenda for the present meeting. BACKGROUND

In August, the Communications & Promotions Manager reported to the Parks & Recreation Committee on the Unit's plans and preparations for the 1995 Cup Carnival Week. The report also referred to problems being experienced by some event organisers with the present promotional arrangements for this event.

16 Cont'd

The Committee appointed a Subcommittee to meet with the Cup Carnival Week event organisers and other key players and to report direct to the August Council meeting. The Subcommittee subsequently met with representatives of the following organisations to hear their views on the issues: (a) DB Brewery, Marketus, NZ Metropolitan Trotting Club; (b) Canterbury Jockey Club, NZ Breweries, TVNZ and Christchurch Choir; (c) Canterbury Development Corporation, Canterbury A & P Association, Christchurch Arts Centre and Christchurch Motel Association; (d) Trustbank Canterbury and Canterbury Cricket; (e) City Retail representatives. COUNCIL RESOLUTION

At its August meeting the Council, after considering the Subcommittee's report and representations from the Canterbury Jockey Club and DB Breweries, resolved: 1. That involvement in DB Christchurch Cup Carnival Week for 1995 be: (a) Installation of existing banners. (b) The facilitation and co-ordination of traffic control and venue

management requirements. 2. That an officer and Councillor working party be formed to meet with the major parties, with a view to having an overall Christchurch November Carnival or suitable generically programme formulated for 1996 by the Communications & Promotions Unit; that the existing Subcommittee form the basis of the Working Party. 3. That the Communications & Promotions Unit research the financial implications of achieving the above objective. 4. That the promoters of Cup Carnival Week be requested to include all events in the official programme, where practicable. CURRENT SITUATION

In discussing this issue at the 29 November seminar, the members agreed that the whole Committee rather than a Subcommittee should hold a consultative forum to seek the views of the key players in this important event on the format of the 1996 Carnival. In view of the earlier commitment to hold the forum immediately after the 1995 Carnival it was also agreed that the forum should take place before Christmas. It is suggested that

16 Cont'd

a briefing session precede the forum with the outside organisations to bring all members up-to-date with the issues. One hour should be allowed for the Councillor briefing. The Committee resolved that the consultative forum on Cup Carnival Week be held on Monday 11 December commencing at 8.30 am.


The Committee resolved that the resolution contained on page 30 of the agenda be adopted.




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