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13. 12. 95


1. HOT AIR BALLOONING Councillor D J O'Rourke has given notice of his intention to move the following motion at the present meeting of the Council: "That the Council:

(a) Take such steps as are practicable to discourage hot air ballooning over the urban area of Christchurch City.

(b) Revokes all current permits to operate hot air balloons from city parks and reserves.

(c) Will not permit any commercial hot air ballooning operation from city parks and reserves in the future."

2. WHEEL CLAMPS Councillor M F Fahey has given notice of his intention to move the following motion at the present meeting of the Council: "That the Council request Mr Peter Mitchell to investigate the legality of having the use of wheel clamps banned on both private and public land in Christchurch with the exception of their use by an officer of the law by Court order."

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