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13. 12. 95


23 NOVEMBER 1995

A meeting of the Central City Committee

was held on Thursday 23 November 1995 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor M E Murray (Chairman),

The Mayor,

Councillors G J Berry, N Dodge, A G James,

C E Manning and B M Stewart.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received and accepted

from Councillors Anna Crighton and M F Fahey. IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor D N Buist. The Mayor retired at 5.00 p.m. and was not

present for clause 5. Councillor D N Buist retired at 4.50 p.m. and was

not present for clauses 4 and 5. The Committee reports that: PART B - ITEMS DEALT WITH BY THE COMMITTEE AND


1. ELECTION OF DEPUTY CHAIRMAN Councillor Newton Dodge was elected Deputy Chairman.

2. CITY MALL - CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND In July 1995 the Council approved the siting of a children's playground in the City Mall. This followed extensive consultation with the various businesses affected on both sides of the mall. When the contract work commenced on the approved site adjacent to Arthur Barnett's and Katies Ltd in early September 1995, Mr P Carter objected to the siting on behalf of AB Investments Ltd which owns both stores. The basis of the objection was that the building owners had not been specifically notified. This was duly carried out. The Committee meeting on 23 November received a report on a meeting of 18 October 1995 when the Mayor, Councillors Buist and Anderson heard submissions from Messrs A Hearn QC, P M Carter (AB Investments Ltd) and consultants on the location of the proposed City Mall playground. The Committee resolved 1. That the play equipment purchased for the City Mall site be stored in the meantime.

2. That the team responsible for the redesign of the Stewart Fountain site actively address the need for play opportunities within the Stewart Fountain area of the City Mall and that the Committee meet at the earliest opportunity with staff. 3. That the amphitheatre site be considered as a possible additional site for a children's play area.

3. CASHEL STREET - ENHANCEMENTS Concerns have been raised by staff of the Centra and Grand Chancellor Hotels about the street appearance in Cashel Street between the City Mall and Manchester Street. The matter was discussed at the last meeting of the Council and a request made to develop solutions and report back. The Committee received the attached plan (pink paper) which was supported by Committee members. The estimated cost of the proposed work is $197,000. In addition the Committee discussed the possibility of developing the triangle outside the Centra Hotel on which the pool is currently sited. It was resolved: 1. That the works illustrated on the attached plan be supported. 2. That the project be referred for consideration at the six month review of budgeted funding. 3. That design works for the pool site outside the Centra Hotel to complement the Cashel Street project be reported to this Committee.



Parking restrictions in Gloucester Street and Hereford Street have been changed with P60 areas replacing P30 areas. A report on the effect of the change has been requested after 12 months operation.

5. PETERBOROUGH STREET - METERED PARKING The Committee has approved the introduction of additional parking meters into Peterborough Street.

The meeting concluded at 5.10 p.m.


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