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13. 12. 95

RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC Section 48, Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

I move that the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

item   minutes/report of:    general subject of       reason for      ground(s) under    
no.                          each matter to be        passing this    section 48(1)      
                             considered               resolution in   for the passing    
                                                      relation to     of this            
                                                      each  matter    resolution         
1.     Report of the         Wigram Airforce Base     Good Reason     Section 48(1)(a)   
       Strategy and          Ferrymead Historic Park  to Withhold                        
       Resources Committee                            Exists Under                       
       Meeting  of 4.12.95                            Section 7                          
2.     Report of the         Venue Management                   "               "        
       Projects and          Christchurch Sport and   "               "                  
       Property Committee    Entertainment Centre                                        
       Meeting of 4.12.95                                                                
3.     Report of the         Judicial Review                    "               "        
       Environmental         Proceedings:  Proposed   "               "                  
       Committee Meeting     Community Corrections                                       
       of 29.11.95           Facility, 232 Stanmore                                      
                             Animal Welfare Trust                                        
4.     Parks and             Scarborough Farm                   "               "        
       Committee Meeting                                                                 
       of 30.11.95                                                                       
5.     Report of the         Rawhiti Park Camping               "               "        
       Burwood/Pegasus       Ground:  Proposed                                           
       Community Board       Lease and Redevelopment                                     
       Meeting of 20.11.95                                                               
6.     Report of the         Property Purchase for              "               "        
       Fendalton/Waimairi    Roading:  Fendalton                                         
       Community Board       Road                                                        
       Meeting of 21.11.95                                                               
7.     Report of the         Property Purchase for              "               "        
       Hagley/Ferrymead      Roading and Sale of      "               "              "   
       Community Board       Land:  Humphreys Drive   "               "             "    
       Meeting of 15.11.95   Property Purchase for    "               "                  
                             Roading:  Forth and      "               "                  
                             Tweed Streets  Land      "                                  
                             Exchange:  962 Ferry     "                                  
                             Road  Property                                              
                             Purchase for Roading:                                       
                             Ferry Road  Esplanade                                       
                             Reserve Purchase:                                           
                             1004 Ferry Road                                             
                             Disposal of Land and                                        
                             Revocation of                                               
                             Reservation over Road                                       
                             Reserve:  Maces                                             
                             Road/Dyers Road                                             
                             Intersection  Holy                                          
                             Trinity Church:                                             
                             Avonside Drive                                              
8.     Report of the         Parkhouse Road Garden              "               "        
       Riccarton/Wigram      Centre Lease                                                
       Community Board                                                                   
       Meeting of 20.11.95                                                               
9.     Report of the         Property Purchase for              "               "        
       Shirley/Papanui       Roading:  Holly Road     "               "                  
       Community Board       Property Purchase for                                       
       Meeting of 22.11.95   Roading:  Springfield                                       
10.    Report of the         Property Purchase for              "               "        
       Spreydon/Heathcote    Roading:  St Martins     "               "              "   
       Community Board       Road  Property           "                                  
       Meeting of 21.11.95   Exchange for Water                                          
                             Services:  St Martins                                       
                             Road  Sale of Freehold                                      
                             Property:  12 Penn                                          

This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as follows: Item No.

3, 4, 6, Protection of Privacy of Natural Persons (Section 7(2)(a))

7, 9 & 10 1, 2, 4, Conduct of Negotiations (Section 7(2)(i))

5, 7, 8 & 10 3 Maintain Legal Professional Privilege (Section 7(2)(g))

1 Prejudice the Commercial Position of the Person

who is the Subject of the Information (Section 7(2)(b)(ii))

Note Section 48(4) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 provides as follows: "(4) Every resolution to exclude the public shall be put at a time when the meeting is open to the public, and the text of that resolution (or copies thereof): (a) Shall be available to any member of the public who is present; and

(b) Shall form part of the minutes of the local authority."

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