Wastewater: Where to now?
Avon-Heathcote Estuary cannot be used as a place for Christchurch
to release its treated wastewater, no matter how clean...
Not starting from scratch
final answer for city wastewater may be an ocean outfall,
but whatever the City Council decides, it is not having
to start its planning from scratch...
A homely reminder on wastewater disposal
of my friends recently found that when tree roots cut off
the sewer and wastewater pipes it takes very little time
for life to become unpleasant indeed...
Strong support for city services
as she goes,” best sums up the results of this year’s City
Council residents’ survey, with continued strong support
for the level and quality of services provided...
Local art projects get financial boost
local community based arts and cultural projects have received
grants in Creative New Zealand’s Communities Grants Scheme
latest funding round...