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City Scene - June 2006
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'A bit creative' with City Mall

David West has 15 years' experience helping improve the attractiveness and success of shopping centres and retailers in Australia, the United States and New Zealand.

Mr West is part of the team put together by local urban design specialists the Isthmus Group, appointed by the City Council to manage City Mall's refurbishment. The move is a response to calls from tourism leaders, property owners, shoppers, City Councillors and retailers for the central city area to get a spruce-up.

Initial design proposals from Isthmus Group will be made public by late July. These will have proposals about physical improvements and a draft business management plan to make the most of what the City Mall already has, as well as indicating ways to improve it.

"It's time to be a bit creative. We need to find some new ways to keep locals coming back to the Mall and draw in tourists," Mr West says. "We're focusing on factors that inject vitality, bring in shoppers... to main streets and businesses. This includes landscaping, street furniture, traffic, parking, the mix of business and residential, and security."

While the hardware will be important, Mr West's particular skill is working with retailers. "What City Mall needs is an effective business management plan that brings all retailers and property owners together, heading in the same direction. In a centre city shopping street like this, success will come if we can co-ordinate retailers on the future marketing and development of the area."

He says City Mall strengths include a premium department store supported by a range of quality specialty stores, cafes and restaurants in a mainstreet urban environment.

"These businesses give a terrific mix. It's a special range of products and atmosphere not found in the suburbs, but we need to keep the environment vibrant and exciting. We will need to find new stores to introduce into that special mix to make sure central city retail retains its unique and special edge. We'll be working with property owners and retailers to make sure that happens and keep the excitement levels up."

Attractive corner shops and buildings are important in making a good first impression. Vacant corner sites suggest the whole area's run-down. Likewise, offices and banks don't usually suit a corner site. Pedestrians walking along the street lose interest when they have to look at glass and brick walls. On the other hand, a corner cafe with colourful umbrellas outside and lots of people sitting enjoying coffee shows activity, vitality and safety."

Anchor stores draw more people, but they need support.

"Ballantynes is the major anchor for the City Mall. It does a brilliant job, bringing in large crowds from across Canterbury. However, the City Mall needs more one-off specialty stores in its business mix to complement Ballantynes' department store offer.

David West

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