Wuhan Cityscape Photography Exhibition – Our City
Tuesday 19 June 2007
Mr Chen Jiahua, Deputy Director, Wuhan Popular Art Centre, Mr Zhan Biliu of the Wuhan Photography Association, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good afternoon. I am delighted to be here today to open the "Wuhan Cityscape Photography Exhibition – From the heart of China – images of an ancient city's journey to a modern metropolis". My thanks to all those who were involved in Bringing this wonderful exhibition to Christchurch and of course, Mr Chen and Mr Zhan in particular.
I know from my visits to Wuhan what a fascinating city it is. The striking images being shown in this exhibition will help to reveal its many charms to the people of Christchurch.
The Wuhan – Christchurch relationship steadily grew over a period of about eight or nine years, culminating in myself and Mayor Li Xiuansheng signing a Friendship City Agreement in Wuhan in April 2006. There have already been a number of Business, educational and cultural links and exchanges and this exhibition is just one example of the growing bonds between the people of our cities.
There are many, many collaborations between our two cities – university research links, educational links, business links and student exchange links.
But, sharing photos amongst friends is a time-honoured way of sharing your experiences and showing people your favourite places, what you do, how you work and how you play.
Sister city relationships are based on friendships and this exhibition is a wonderful way to share with the people of Christchurch, images of Wuhan so they can get a clearer picture of the city and the people who live there and to educate and inform us about Wuhan.
Please bring your friends and families to experience this exhibition and learn about our relationship with Wuhan.
It is my very great pleasure to declare the Wuhan Cityscape Photography Exhibition officially open.