Employment Expo
Friday 21 November 2003
Good afternoon...welcome to this employment expo which I must
also note is providing temporary employment to an alarming number
of speakers today. With about 8 speakers still to go, I'm going
to boost my own personal poll ratings by being very brief.
I really just want to make some key points here.
Christchurch is
now a multicultural city, employers who reflect that reality
are going to do better in future than those
who don't.
Going right back to when Ngai Tahu and the early
settlers met we are also a place that historically has opened
our arms to
newcomers. We need to continue and deepen that tradition.
We are
a city that also has a huge historic reputation for active
compassion...we need to build on that for the good of
the newcomers and also for our own good.
Our new blood is also
our passport into the future. We just had a very powerful Malaysian
delegation visit
Christchurch a few weeks ago. Many of them
studied here 30 years ago under the Colombo Plan. They bear
us enormous good
will which is turning into economic
The 21st century is already being called the Pacific
Century the century when the centre of economic and political
power will have moved from the Northern to the Southern hemisphere.
the first time in our very short history as a nation we are in
the right place and time to enjoy enormous advantages, socially
and economically. We will only be able to do that if we can show we really are
world citizens, prepared to preserve the best of our own way of
life while also including the new faces and cultures amongst us.
Today is a great chance to show our new people the face of New
Zealand I and people like our next speaker prefer to think is our
real one, a face of generosity, openness and fairness.