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June 2000
Christchurch City Scene


More kerbs and channelling in Ferry Road will complete the roading improvements in the next financial year.

These will be constructed from St Johns Road to the tunnel roundabout.

However, discussions are still being held with the Main Street Committee over the design of signs to be put at each end of the Woolston shopping area.

Road improvements in the shopping area have finished although some large trees have yet to be planted on both sides of Ferry Road to form an avenue. Also seats are be installed on the north side of the shopping area.
  • Cycle and pedestrian facilities have been cut in the solid median strip in Linwood Avenue near Cashel Street.
  • Some road changes have been made with the opening of the Ferrymead supermarket. An out-bound bus stop has been recessed and a pedestrian crossing installed.
  • Five road humps have now been installed in Smith Street. Two were put in earlier but the final three have just been finished. Speeding traffic in Smith Street led to the traffic calming measures.
  • The wide intersection at Torlesse Street and Avonside Drive has been narrowed to 8m to slow traffic. The intersection at Surrey and Worcester streets has also been narrowed and a threshold installed.

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