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June 2000
Christchurch City Scene

It’s great to live here — Expo message

An Expo designed to proclaim what is good about Linwood will be held again in August.

It will be called It's Great to Live Here and run from 2-5 August at Eastgate Mall.

A Community Development Worker, based at the Linwood Resource Centre, Eleanor Bodger, says the Expo will have static and manned displays, demonstrations, and a programme of performances. More people and groups are wanted to take part.

"It is an effort to profile what it is good and positive in the community. It is all about finding out about what we do well. Our greatest resource is our people who have abilities and talents.
"We must harness them in a positive manner to make things happen," she says. That, she says, all adds up to the fact "that it's great to live here".

It was important for groups to network and support each other in their common goals. "Working together strengthens the community," she says. "We must focus on the identity of Linwood, make things happen, have fun and cultivate positive things."

A similar Expo was held last year that Eleanor says was a success and this year's will build on that and be bigger.

She would like more groups to become involved, especially sporting organisations. It is in the planning stages and groups interested in taking part should contact Eleanor. She wants to harness talent within the community and her catchcry is: "The more we do together the more we are able to do together."

Contact Eleanor Bodger, Community Resource Centre, ph 389 2202.

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