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June 2000
Christchurch City Scene

Beverley Park rose garden takes shape

Beverley Park’s heritage rose garden is taking shape and should be ready for planting in August.

The garden, in the southwest corner of the park and facing the northeast, is to commemorate the Millennium and 150 years of European settlement in the district.

The local residents have uncovered much of the district’s rich history and have been working for some time to raise awareness of the historical heritage.

Beverley Park, in Avonside Drive, is in the historical area called Englefield and the rose garden will be sited on a former Council tree nursery.

The 150 roses to be planted there will be sponsored and a recent launch of the sponsorship scheme was very successful.

A group, Friends of Beverley Park, will maintain the rose garden once it is established.

The garden will be in a curved informal design and connected by a paved lavender- lined pathway to the existing path.

The path will curve through the rose garden and widen to a central-paved seating area surrounded by the roses. It will then curve out beyond the rose garden through a narrow area of planting along the southern end of the park to link with a proposed native garden.

Behind the rose garden will be evergreen planting or hedging against the boundary fences to provide a green backdrop for the roses.

Between the hedging and the rose garden will be an irregular grass pathway to provide access to the roses.

The roses will be heritage old- world varieties planted according to height, form and colour. Perpetual or repeat flowering varieties will be used as much as possible, although some varieties will be used for the autumn and winter interest of their rosehips.

Rose sponsorship costs $30 a rose and allows for purchase, planting and maintenance of the rose.

Contact the Englefield Residents’ Association on ph 377 2802 or the City Council’s area parks officer, Gary Harrow.

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