Research by Kirkwood pupils identified
a lack of organisation and co-ordination of sport for intermediate age children. Reports
from the Hillary Commission support the Kirkwood pupils findings, and also that this
is a crucial age for children to begin taking part in organised sport.
The Kirkwood research found
that students want more coaches, more teams, a wider variety of sports and opportunities
to play new sports. At present the overall co-ordination of sport at Kirkwood is the
responsibility of one teacher.
the Kirkwood pupils
big idea was to establish a school sports co-ordinator for intermediate
schools. The big idea was presented to the Riccarton-Wigram Community Board,
which was in favour but regards an initiative such as this as primarily the responsibility
of the Ministry of Education.
The Community Board has
committed to work with Kirkwood to develop and present the proposal to the Ministry and
the Hillary Commission.