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27. 9. 2001

Report of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board
to the Council

A meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board
was held on Wednesday 5 September 2001 at 4.30pm

Present: Mike Mora (Chairman),
Paddy Austin, Neville Bennett, Helen Broughton, David Buist, Mary Corbett, Ishwar Ganda, Bob Shearing and Alison Wilkie

An apology for lateness was received from Neville Bennett.
Neville Bennett arrived at 4.40 pm and was present for all clauses except clauses 19 and 20.

Part A -
Part B -
Part C -
Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Reports for Information
Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee
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Part A 1. Proposed Road Stopping: (Approval in Principle) - Disposal of Redundant Road/Rotherham Street
Part B 2. Retirement of Mary Corbett
Part B 3. Christchurch City Libraries: Halswell and Hornby
Part B 4. Christchurch Injury Prevention Strategy
Part B 5. Canterbury Neighbourhood Support Co-Ordinator - Request for Financial Assistance
Part B 6. Councillor Lesley Keast - Submission on Christchurch Kart Club Relocation Process
Part B 7. Upper Riccarton Domain Consultation Update
Part B 8. Proposal for an Indoor Multi Use Equestrian Facility at Canterbury Park Plus Associated Horse Grazing and Ride-Out Access for Christchurch Riding for the Disabled
Part B 9. Parks and Waterways Capital Programme, 2000/01
Part B 10. Community Facilities Annual Use Report, 2000/01
Part B 11. Riccarton/Wigram Works and Traffic Committee - Report of 10 and 24 August 2001 Meetings
Part B 12. Annex Road – No Stopping Restriction
Part B 13. Riccarton/Wigram Environment and Health Committee - Report of 14 August 2001 Meeting
Part B 14. Riccarton/Wigram Community Affairs Committee - Report of 16 August 2001 Meeting
Part B 15. Riccarton/Wigram Finance and Policy Committee - Report of 21 August 2001 Meeting
Part B 16. Peer Street Traffic Signals at Villa Maria College
Part B 17. Parks and Recreation Committee Sponsored Seminar "Providing Spaces for Play, Responding to the Challenge"
Part B 18. Community Board Member Representation on Outside Organisations
Part B 19. Lochee Road – Proposed Traffic Calming
Part C 20. Confirmation of Report
Part C 21. Supplementary Items
Part C 22. Election Recess Process - Delegation Required for Board Issues
Part C 23. Avonhead Basketball Facility - Joint Boards Project
Part C 24. Halswell Aquatic Centre Arts Project - Request for Financial Assistance
Part C 25. Brynley/Springs and Neill/Springs Intersection Improvements
Part C 26. Parking Princess Street
Part C 27. Resolution to Exclude the Public

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