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City Scene - June 2005
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Replacement trees

Christchurch City Council staff have sourced trees from throughout the country to replace those removed during curb and channelling renewal in Ngaio Street, St Martins.

The 30 mature ash trees which lined Ngaio Street were cut down in March to allow road improvements to be made. Many residents, upset at losing their landmark avenue, rallied to save the trees.

However, after lengthy discussions involving Council staff and the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board, the residents agreed that the road works proceed and the trees be removed. Council staff gave residents an assurance they would use their best endeavours to replace the trees this year with trees at least 7m tall.

“Finding 7m trees was always a tall order, but we contacted nurseries in both the North and South Island ,” says David Pinkney, Project Manager of the Streets Control Programme. “We were able to go back to residents with seven options of different trees for them to choose for their street.”

They have opted for pin oaks between 4.5m and 6m tall. From 137 trees available, the 45 healthiest have been tagged ready for planting in spring. Only 40 trees are required, but the spares will be kept at the nursery to cover any losses.

“Work’s progressing well and we’ll probably finish the roading works in July. That will be in plenty of time for the planting season, “ Mr Pinkney says. He is confident that residents will be pleased with the outcome.

The street is lighter and brighter and the trees selected will definitely look good,” he says.

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