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City Scene - June 2005
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Adding to Plan’s protected heritage

Often tucked away out of the public glare are buildings, places and objects of heritage significance to Christchurch people. Council heritage staff want the public’s help to identify anything which should be recognised in the City Plan as having heritage significance.

“The kinds of objects we’re looking to identify and help protect will be significant in one or more ways,” says Amanda Ross, Council Assistant Heritage Planner. “They’ll have an historical, social, cultural, spiritual, architectural, artistic, technological, craftsmanship, group or landmark significance. They might have features that people think should be retained so that future generations can enjoy and learn from them.”

And when you’re thinking about it, don’t be afraid to think beyond the common conception of what heritage is, she says. “It could be anything from your own architecturally designed 1960s concrete block house to an old stable building you see when you’re out walking the dog.”

This public input is an important part of a review of the list of Protected Heritage Items in the City Plan, which was compiled about 10 years ago. At present it lists about 600 buildings, places and objects as protected heritage items.

A number of places were brought to the Council’s attention through the recent public input on the Overview History Project, which can be viewed on-line at

The aim is for a more comprehensive list of heritage items that reflects the diverse history and culture of Christchurch . “For example, the current list is short on sporting heritage, modern architecture of the 1940s, ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s, industrial heritage and Masonic lodges, to name a few,” Ms Ross says.

Some areas also are not well represented in the present heritage listings and the Council wants to know about heritage features in suburbs including New Brighton, Nor th Beach, Aranui, Linwood, Woolston, Bromley, Halswell, Hoon Hay, Sockburn, Islington, Hornby and Beckenham.

“Where possible, we’d like people to supply the name of the building, place or object; its age and location; why they think it may be of heritage significance and any available research,” Ms Ross says.

  • The closing date for submissions is 29 July. To participate, fill in the Heritage Listing Proposal form available on-line at and post it to Amanda Ross, Assistant Heritage Planner, PO Box 237 Christchurch, or hand it in at your local Council service centre.
  • More information about heritage and the CCC can be found on our website, at If you have any questions about this matter, call Amanda Ross on 941 6388 or email
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