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City Scene - June 2005
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Have your say on QEII Park’s future

When Queen Elizabeth II Park was built, it was designed with future extensions of its facilities in mind. Since it opened in November 1973, the Park has seen many changes, including the development of a golf course, the growth and demise of the fun park and its rollercoaster, and a $20 million upgrade of its aquatic facilities.

Today, QEII Park is also home to an indoor sports hall, fitness centre, Olympic weight-lifting gym, sports medical centre and clinical massage unit, golf course, cricket, squash and other sports facilities, as well as the new Southern Centre which provides a multi-sensory recreation experience for people with disabilities.

Over the next 10 years and beyond, the Park is likely to see further change and improvements to sport, recreation and community facilities, which may include developments such as an Ice Arena. To make sure future changes enhance the shape and character of the Park, Christchurch City Council is seeking public comments on its proposed QEII Park concept plan.

Have your say

The draft QEII concept plan is designed to protect the character of the Park as it changes over the coming years. Rather than setting out what will happen in the Park, the plan is designed to anticipate what could happen. This means that the Council will be able to make sound and sustainable decisions based on the concept plan when it considers proposals for new developments.

The concept plan sets out the following vision for QEII Park: Canterbury’s ultimate multi-dimensional sport, recreation, leisure and event place, enhancing the community’s health and well-being.

The map below shows the proposed features outlined in the concept plan. These include noting areas for possible buildings, recognising greenspace areas, enlarged areas for community activities, and improvements to roads and pathways.

Do you think that the proposed concept plan will help ensure that QEII Park develops in a way which enhances the Park, while meeting the needs of local and metropolitan Park users?

Your comments and suggestions will help the Council to finalise a plan which aims to ensure the future direction of QEII Park is both effective and sustainable.

  • Find out more about the plan and make a submission by picking up a QEII Park: The Next 10 Years brochure from Council offices and libraries, or at the site on the web. Submissions close on Friday 8 July 2005
  • To find out more about QEII Park, its facilities and opening hours, visit or call 941 6849
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