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City Scene - June 2005
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Rediscover China

Explore the diversity of China at South Library in Beckenham, from Monday 13 to Wednesday 29 June.

The Rediscover China exhibition presents images of China by leading Chinese photographers, reflecting the past, present and future of the world’s most populous nation.

The free exhibition will be opened by Deputy Mayor Carole Evans and is hosted by the New Zealand China Friendship Society with sponsorship from the Chinese Embassy.

South Library’s Kirstie McKinnon says the exhibition reflects the diversity of the city. “ Christchurch has a strong Chinese community and we’re pleased to be reflecting that by showcasing Chinese culture at the library.

“Having art on display fits perfectly with our place as a cultural and community destination, and we invite people to visit, see the exhibition, browse our collections, enjoy the awardwinning building and round off with a coffee at our café.”

  • Christchurch City Libraries has a Chinese language collection based at Central Library, as well as comprehensive resources on Chinese history, art and travel. Ask staff at your local library for more information.
  • Discover the Christchurch City Libraries web site at
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