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City Scene - June 2005
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Mayor takes part in New York rally for peace

On 30 April, Mayor Garry Moore joined 40,000 people in a peace march that threaded through midtown Manhattan in New York and concluded with a rally for peace in Central Park. Taking part with Mr Moore were many fellow delegates who had travelled to the United States city for the Mayors for Peace Conference, which coincided with a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty meeting at the United Nations. The list of speakers included Mayor Akiba of Hiroshima, Japan, who lead a delegation of more than 1000 Japanese to the city for this and associated events. Included among them were atomic bomb survivors. Also taking part in the march was Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the damning Vietnam War report called the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times, and Dr Helen Caldecott, a prominent feminist and anti-war activist. Messages focused around the need for global peace and the banning of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.

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