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City Scene - June 2005
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Funds for community road-safety projects

Applications for funding small community-based road-safety projects are being invited from community groups and organisations. “This is a good opportunity for groups to obtain funding for a road-safety project in their community,” says Susan Cambridge, Road Safety Coordinator.

Non-profit community groups and organisations with a road-safety project they would like to carry out for their community are asked to submit a proposal for funds by 10 June 2005.

Projects eligible for funding must be administered and managed by the group or organisation. They should contribute to road safety by providing education and encouragement to the community. “The funds can be used for road-safety projects, such as running educational courses or raising the awareness of a road-safety issue,” says Susan Cambridge.

The funding is provided by Land Transport NZ and administered by the City Council. Proposals for roadsafety funding must be on an Application Form and the successful applicants will be notified by 30 June.

For more information and an application form call Susan Cambridge on 332 2722

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