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City Scene - June 2005
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Come and look at Our City

Have you visited Our City O-Tautahi lately? This Christchurch City Council facility, in the original Municipal Chambers on the banks of the Avon River, hosts a changing array of exhibitions by and for the local community.

Gallery and meeting spaces are available for hire by community groups and there is a discount on meeting room hire for some community groups. The free Science in the City lectures continue throughout the winter at Our City, in association with the Canterbury Branch of the Royal Society.

The next lecture is on Wednesday, 29 June from 1.10-1.50pm. The topic is Science at Canterbury Museum, by Dr Paul Schofield, the Museum’s Curator of Vertebrate Zoology. In the present debate about the alterations to the Canterbury Museum building, it would be easy to overlook the significant scientific role the museum plays, so please come along and find out all about it.

Our City O-Tautahi is now hosting the popular Pacific Hands exhibition, a beautiful showcase of weaving, embroidery and other arts by Maori, Cook Island, Niuean and Tongan women living in Christchurch.

Another display, Vital: Water, Art and Life, is in its final month, and this month focuses on Awesome Artworks: Christchurch’s Art in Public Places — what, why and how Christchurch has public artworks.

Don’t miss The Peacock Fountain Installation/Design No. 38, Victoria Bell’s amazing soft sculpture.

Next month, look out for our exciting new exhibition Beyond the Tunnel: Stories of Lyttelton and information about the QEII Park redevelopment.

  • Our City O-Tautahi is on the corner of Oxford Terrace and Worcester Boulevard. Exhibits change often so come and see what's happening in Our City today. Displays are open 10am– 4pm Monday to Saturday.
  • Admission free. Venue hire available anytime.
  • The Science in the City lectures are on the last Wednesday of each month and admission is free.
  • View the website at
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