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Christchurch City Scene
March 2001

Water Supply Service OK, Says Research

Eighty-two per cent of people surveyed about Christchurch City Council’s management of water supply said they trusted the Council to manage the supply in the best interest of the community.

Both domestic and commercial customers generally got what they expected when they turned the tap on, considered the supply to be good value and were happy to leave the details to the Council.

The research was done last year for the Water Services Unit by Opinions Market Research.

Residential quantitative surveys involved a random sample of 500, plus a further 100 customers who had had recent contact with the unit regarding water supply. The commercial random samples comprised 100 customers with high annual water use and 100 with normal use.

There was some confusion about whether there was plenty of water available in Christchurch and there was a common attitude that the Council should lead by example, using water efficiently.

Two-thirds of the customers who had dealt with the Water Services Unit were satisfied with the service received.

There were a number of issues regarding high water use commercial and industrial customers that would benefit from an integrated approach between water supply, trade waste and waste minimisation. These included water use efficiency, backflow prevention and continuity of supply.

• Since the survey was done, water supply has become part of the new City Water and Waste Unit and waterways and wetlands has merged with the Council’s Parks Unit (see "A Natural Partnership" below).

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