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Christchurch City Scene
March 2001

'Tree Week' May Be Held In Drive For More Planting

A stand of cabbage trees in Riccarton Bush
A stand of cabbage trees in Riccarton Bush.
A Tree Week may be held by the Council to draw attention to the importance of planting more trees, especially big ones, in the city.

The Environment Committee has called for a report on the possibility of a special week, possibly to be held in conjunction with Arbor Day.

It felt that:

  • While many people liked trees, more education was needed to encourage the planting of larger trees.
  • Christchurch as the Garden City should look at providing more information on planting and protection.
  • Including valuations of certain trees in property valuations would lead to the preservation of more trees.
A good example of planting larger trees will be seen when a new Hornby housing complex is opened because several mature trees will be placed in the complex.

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