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June 2000
Christchurch City Scene

Plans for new reserve at Salisbury Street

Development plans are being drawn up for a new reserve at the Salisbury-Barbadoes streets intersection.

Residents in the area have been consulted about landscape plans and they favour a plan that provides water within the reserve.

The Council Waterways and Wetlands Unit is keen to bring "daylight" to a drain that runs along Salisbury Street to the Avon River. The plan will highlight the existence of the waterway that has an excellent flow and which, at present, is hidden under the road, but becomes apparent when it spills into the Avon River from an historic brick barrel outfall.

The Avon Loop Planning Association, the Victoria Neighbourhood Group, and the Civic Trust support the concept.

Members of Moa Residents' Group have reservations about the exposed water because of rubbish being dumped in it and concerns over maintenance.

All concerns will be considered in the final landscape plan. The reserve will be developed in two stages.

The removal of kerbs and the road surface in the stopped portion in Cambridge Terrace will start soon, and grass areas provided along with specimen trees. But by the end of the year it is planned to narrow Salisbury Street and carry out other road works and open the drain.

Several names have been suggested for the reserve but no decision has been made. Suggestions are Janet Moss Reserve, Moss Reserve, Otakaroro, Otautahi Reserve, Salisbury Reserve or Barbadoes Reserve, and Avon River Triangle Reserve.

Ideas are still being sought.

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