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Christchurch City Scene
April 2000

Steady as she goes - with some new spending

Your chance to have you say on your Council’s budget and priorities

This year's City Council draft budget concentrates on two main ingredients: providing basic services and introducing some new services.

The Council has proposed an overall average rates increase of 2.38 per cent, 2.31% of which is for increasing the level of services and 0.07% to maintain the current level.

See related stories this issue:

The bulk of the budget for 2000-1 is allocated for the basics — roads, water, sewerage, waste disposal and recycling.

The remainder provides for new services or improvements to existing services. These include more money for Community Boards to distribute in their local areas and, due to public demand and the Council's vision of zero waste, extending kerbside recycling.

A sum of $650,000 has been set aside so different grades of mixed paper can be put out for collection in the green recycling bins. The paper to be collected under the expanded system will include glossy magazines, writing paper and eventually, paperboard packaging such as cereal boxes.

Details will be notified closer to the starting time, which is expected later in the year. Markets for the paper have to be confirmed first.

The annual plan also has provision for another $100,000 which is intended for the collection of mixed plastics. These will include plastic packaging and items such as cleaning fluid bottles and possibly plastic bags. This collection service is in the early planning stages.

Queen Elizabeth II Park is undergoing a major revamp, for which more money has been allocated, and grants will be made to Canterbury Cricket Association towards the funding of a pavilion there. Canterbury Hockey will receive funds for much-needed new and replacement turf.

Each year the Council asks residents what they think of service levels, new services and also the rates level to be set.

There is a survey in this newsletter to fill in. Alternatively, residents may want to make a submission the draft plan, a copy of which can be obtained by ringing 371888 or by visiting

Submissions must be in by Monday 29 May this year.

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