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Christchurch City Scene

Waka 2000 taking shape

Apirana Manuel concentrates on carving the stern (taurapa) of Waka 2000 Apirana Manuel concentrates on carving the stern (taurapa) of Waka 2000, which will lead a flotilla at New Brighton beach early on New Year’s Day.

The carving is being done at Te Toi Mana Maori Art Gallery in the Arts Centre. The public is welcome to watch the work — and see the finished prow figurehead (tauihu) — between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday. The pieces, based on Ngai Tahu designs on an old canoe found on Stewart Island and a bailer found in Moncks Cave, will be attached to the rest of the waka at Rehua Marae. The waka is a Turning Point 2000 project.

Christchurch City Council initiated and core funds Turning Point 2000.

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