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Christchurch City Scene

An opportunity not to be wasted!

Kerbside Recycling It’s rare to get something of value for nothing, but the Target Zero Business Network is offering the services of a waste minimisation adviser to Christchurch businesses for free.

The adviser will spend up to half a day on site helping a business identify waste and opportunities for reducing it.

According to waste minimisation adviser Martin Ward, even on a short visit a fresh pair of eyes and some key questions can identify unnecessary waste and potential dollar savings for a firm.

John Clemence, general manager at Optical Laboratories (NZ) Ltd, says:
"We have nothing to lose and everything to gain from Martin’s visit, environmentally, financially and as a team".

PhoneThe offer is available for a trial period until 31 March next year. Contact Christine Byrch (941 8856) or Karyn Durham (941 6426) at the Council if you are interested in taking up the offer.

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