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Council in project to restore wetlands

Paradise shelducks at rest in a quiet corner of the Bexley Wetlands.
Paradise shelducks at rest in a quiet corner of the Bexley Wetlands.

The Council and a newly formed community group, Bexley Wetland Trust, are restoring Bexley Wetlands, an interesting mix of fresh water and saline environments.
Future developments will improve planting and landscaping and deal with the old rubbish dump.

A recent community work day planted along the edge of the swale between the subdivision and the wetland.
The swale is to keep pets out and provide a safe habitat for wetland birds like pukeko, paradise shelduck, herons and pied stilts. New members for the trust are welcome.

If you are interested contact Hap Hill on 388 8871.
Phone For more information contact the Council’s Coast Care office on 382 1678. Paradise shelducks at rest in a quiet corner of the Bexley Wetlands.

Take a spin in the City’s new Orbiter

The City’s new Orbiter

This smart new bus is one of the Orbiters which last month started giving better access to West Christchurch schools, shops, businesses and sporting and entertainment venues.
The distinctive lime-coloured Orbiters travel quarter-hourly, or half-hourly off-peak, seven days a week.

The route takes passengers from Cashmere to Papanui without having to come into town.
However, the Orbiter links with other city bus services.

Phone For details and timetables, phone BUSINFO on ph 366 8855.

In a Nutshell . . .

Community planting: Local residents, community groups and Scouts will take part in a community planting day at Janet Stewart Reserve on Sunday 29 August (1pm to 3.30pm). Displays, activities and refreshments have been organised for the event, which will help continue to develop the reserve, corner of Marshland Road and Lower Styx Road, as a wildlife habitat and recreational area. Anyone is welcome.
Phone For more information contact Tracy Young in the Council’s Water Services Unit on 941 8319.

Stay in step: People interested in the pedestrian strategy being developed to make the City a better place to walk should contact Stephanie Styles at the Council on 941 8292. A public forum about the strategy was to be held as Christchurch City Scene was going to print.

Rubbish Halved: Farmers High Street have joined the Council’s waste minimisation programme, Green Retail, and reduced the waste they dispose of to the landfill by at least 50 per cent. The programme is helping improve their efficiency and profitability, as well as contribute to a better future for Christchurch. They plan to save another $700 a year by using ceramic cups instead of disposables in their staff cafeteria.
Phone For more information about the next Green Retail programme, starting this month, contact Karyn Durham, Council waste minimisation facilitator, on 941 6426.

Plaques in "Dry Dock": As stage four of the redevelopment of Cathedral Square progresses (in the southwest corner and in front of the cathedral), plaques from Four Ships Court have been removed and are being restored.
The plaques are dedicated to Ngai Tahu, Ngati Mamoe, Waitaha, the Pre-Adamites, Canterbury Association of Surveyors and the passengers on the "first four ships" from England to Christchurch.
The shipping lists for the first four ships are being reviewed to ensure accuracy. Any inquiries regarding this should be directed to Council planner, heritage management, Jenny May in writing (PO Box 237 Christchurch or email
The plaques are expected to be returned next month, mounted on plinths which will be placed around trees.

Arts Centre Skyline: A balustrade has been installed around the top of the Old Chemistry tower at the Arts Centre of Christchurch after a long absence. The corner posts are original, and the side panels have been reproduced based on early photographs. Sir Miles Warren was involved in the design of the panels and Veronese Brothers Ltd made them. The balustrade is lit at night.

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