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Kees de Vocht with recycled glass particles and a selection of tiles made from them.

Flooring the customer with innovative recycling

Flooring developed by a Christchurch business is a fine example of both an innovative process and recycling.

Palazzo Natural Stone Carpets has successfully dyed glass particles to use in the laying of an attractive and practical flooring. Director Kees de Vocht says it is an exciting development with real potential. "What we’re able to do is take the glass cullet (crushed or broken glass) provided by the Recovered Materials Foundation to our specification, and blend it to whatever colour- mix the customer wants. The customer can include logos, borders or any design."

Kees has used glass/ stone mixes in Espresso 124 on Oxford Terrace and a cafe in the America’s Cup Village.

"It’s a nice irony that around 2500 Canterbury bottles are now lining a floor- front for the America’s Cup in Auckland."

Many issues raised in City Plan appeals

Noise, hazardous substances, esplanade reserves, recession planes, retailing in business zones, and a number of the new urban growth areas are just some of the issues that have been raised in the appeals (references) to the Proposed City Plan.
The Council released its decisions in May this year after two years of hearing submissions. The decisions were released in two batches. Submitters and further submitters then had 15 working days to appeal the Council’s decisions.

"This is probably less than we expected considering in 1995 that 12, 288 submissions were lodged on the Plan," says Fiona Hill, acting team leader, City Plan. "Some of the matters raised are of a relatively minor nature and may be able to be dealt with by consent."

"This will avoid the need for parties to be tied up in Environment Court hearings — an often costly and lengthy process. "

"There are also a number of appeals on matters of principle which may be more difficult to resolve through negotiation. It is not anticipated that the first hearings will be held to midway through next year." Inquires relating to appeals on the City Plan can be directed to the City Plan Team of the Council Environmental Services Unit on 941 8631.

Here comes the sun

Turing Point 2000

New Brighton will be the focus of worldwide attention when Christchurch celebrates the dawning of 2000.
The celebrations will be telecast by TV3 as part of the BBC’s millennium day broadcast. For several minutes they will be beamed to 55 countries with a potential viewing audience of up to one billion people.

The ceremony will begin, when the sun rises at 5.51am, with a karanga (greeting) by Ngai Tahu.
The Year 2000 waka, carved by Rehua Marae, will lead a flotilla of craft representing the cultures that have migrated to Christchurch.
People will be encouraged to breakfast on the beach, with picnics brought from home or food from the stalls that will be set up.
Among other events will be a kite-flying display by local and international fliers.

A funding application for the dawn ceremony and sunrise breakfast has been submitted to the millennium subcommittee of the Lottery Grants Board.
Phone For more information contact Turning Point 2000 events assistant Duncan Chisholm on 379 2008.

Here comes the sun

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