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Introducing the Spreydon/ Heathcote Community Board

Christchurch City Council is divided into 12 wards for electoral purposes. Two Councillors and three Community Board members are elected from each ward. The 12 wards are paired to form six Community Boards.
Each Community Board comprises six Community Board members and three Councillors appointed by the Council following the triennial election.
City Scene on this page introduces the nine members of Spreydon/ Heathcote Community Board.

Oscar Alpers (chair) Carole Anderton Lynda Carter Phil Clearwater Barry Corbett (Cr) Sonia Gill Ian Howell (Cr) Elizabeth Maunsell SueWells (Cr)
Players for the Canterbury 13th grade girls’ team and 12th grade boys’ team  training on 31 July.
Players for the Canterbury 13th grade girls’ team and 12th grade boys’ team training on 31 July.

Soccer skills sessions fun for all family

A new family-oriented soccer programme is happening each Sunday morning at Hoon Hay Park, jointly organised by Canterbury Soccer and Ollie Clifton, community development advisor for Spreydon- Heathcote Community Board.
According to Terry Blacktopp of Canterbury Soccer, each session will feature some skill training and a "pick- up" game of footsal, which is the international simplified five-a-side version of soccer — soccer’s equivalent to touch rugby.

"There is no registration, no charge, no gear necessary and no pressure. We are encouraging children and families to just turn up and join in," says Terry.
"This will be a great way for young people to pick up some sporting skills and also to develop communication and leadership skills that will extend beyond the sports field," says Ollie.

Boys, girls, primary school children, teenagers and parents are all welcome at the sessions.
To take part, be at Hoon Hay Park from 10am to midday each Sunday (weather permitting).

Phone For more information, call Terry Blacktopp on 355 3595.

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