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Report of the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board to the Council meeting of
Thursday 23 September 2004
A meeting of the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board was held on
Tuesday 31 August 2004
Mike Wall (Chairman),
Sally Buck, Val Carter, Cheryl Colley, George Hampton, Pat Harrow, Yiyi Ku, Mark Kunnen, Barbara Stewart and Ron Wright.
Apologies for early departure were received and accepted from George Hampton and from Ron Wright for lateness.
George Hampton retired at 5.11 pm and was absent for clauses 4 to 15 and 25 to 29 inclusive.
Ron Wright arrived at 4.23 pm and retired at 6.10 pm and was absent for clauses 2 (part), 10, 11, 12, 28 (part) and 29.
Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions