Week of events to celebrate past
Taking the Past into the Future is the theme of the week, which will include walks, open days, bus tours, exhibitions, a lively debate, one-day seminar and other lectures. A big bang, legacy of the legendary Professor Bickerton's experiments, will provide extra excitement during the archaeological dig for his basement at the Arts Centre. At the seminar on October 14, speakers from key organisations including the Government, the NZ Historic Places Trust, Christchurch City Council, Canterbury Museum and Robert McDougall Art Gallery, will discuss how they are adapting to the needs of the new millennium while remaining committed to protecting and showcasing our heritage. The evolution of the City's public transport system will also be explored just weeks before the opening of the new bus exchange. Our society's very fabric comes under the spotlight during a lively debate: "Godley and Gothic, or Concrete and Crusaders? That the Canterbury Association's Vision for Christchurch has failed." Speakers include team leaders - the Dean of Christchurch, the Very Reverend John Bluck and columnist Joe Bennett - and Mayor Garry Moore and Vice Chancellor of Canterbury University Daryl Le Grew. Female reinforcements are preparing to join the fray. The events, paving the way for the City's 150th anniversary celebrations in December, will also feature traditional craft demonstrations and provide opportunities to visit some of the City's historic homes. The programme will be available from the Arts centre, City Council libraries and service Centres from September 28 or see www.ccc.govt.nz/heritage/week/ or ph 332-3254 or 025 331 085. |