Candidates to represent Shirley-Papanui Ward for Council
Two Councillors to be elected.
- Ngaire BUTTON (Independent Citizens)
- Graham CONDON (Independent)
- Martin MEEHAN (Independent)
- Chris RIGBY (Anti-Capitalist Alliance)
- Ralph ROSS (Independent)
- Pam WHEELER (Labour for Christchurch 2021)
- Norm WITHERS (Independent)
Ngaire BUTTON (Independent Citizens)
I have a fresh positive outlook for Christchurch and believe in efficient local government making sound common sense decisions with long-term strategies.
My husband and I both operate our own businesses importing and wholesaling camping and outdoor equipment.
I will bring to Council a level of business acumen, developed through my own personal experience of beginning, growing and operating a business in Christchurch.
As a mother of 6 Youth and Family issues are of vital importance to me and a primary motivating factor in my decision to invest my life in growing Christchurch into a City which future generations will have hope and a future.
I am committed to and practise Christian Values.
I serve on the Board of Trustees and Property Committee of Emmanuel School, Involved with women's support and personal growth groups, parenting week and a foundation member of the Neighbourhood Trust Computers for the needy project.
Graham CONDON (Independent)
Positive, determined and hard working Graham Condon wants to 'get the job done in Shirley and Papanui'.
Local born, Graham says that it's now Shirley and Papanui's turn for better facilities. He wants more community facilities, better traffic management and recreational sites.
He wants 'park and ride' areas for commuters to be given priority.
As Chairman of the City Council Community and Leisure Committee, the former six times Paralympian and world record holder has devoted his life to sport and recreation for New Zealanders.
On the Strategy and Finance Committee he has kept a firm eye on city finances.
Graham says a smaller Council is a great chance for decisive moves to move Christchurch ahead.
He believes Christchurch's quality of life is superb, and the challenge ahead is to preserve and enhance that quality of life.
Graham as an Independent Councillor can also play a team game for the city.
Martin MEEHAN (Independent)
I have lived in the electorate for 27 years, married to Jann for nearly 35 years, and we have 3 grown up sons and two grandsons.
I have always been actively involved in the community, starting with the St Albans School PTA when my three sons attended there. I am currently President of the St Albans Shirley Soccer Club, where I have coached for the last 23 years.
I was recently actively involved in the Cranford St Action Group, which helped in stopping Transit NZ's plan to four lane Cranford St.
My business, Kidd's Cakes & Bakery, grew from just myself and now after 17 years, employs 22 people. We are proud to be part of the local community.
I work hard at whatever I do. If elected, I promise not to waste ratepayers' money and to try to make a positive difference to our part of Christchurch.
Chris RIGBY (Anti-Capitalist Alliance)
In Shirley-Papanui the median annual income is only $18,340. Yet last year, the richest 187 people in the country increased their wealth by around $4,000,000,000. Furthermore, workers' wages rose by only 2.3 percent last year. Since this is less than the rate of inflation, real wages fell. While the ruling rich have lives of ease, workers are struggling to make ends meet.
At the same time, workers find ourselves without political representation. Nationally and locally, politics are dominated by middle and upper class people who support and manage this system of class inequality and exploitation. Others try to divert us into blaming immigrants or other scapegoats in order to let the capitalist system off the hook.
I am standing to provide a voice for the interests of all working class people regardless of gender, ethnicity or sexuality. If we unite as workers, we can change the world.
Ralph ROSS (Independent)
I have lived in Shirley Ward for 30 years and I am deeply interested in this area’s welfare.
For twelve years I have been actively addressing issues and concerns affecting residents, forming the Shirley Residents Group and being elected its President each year since 1993.
Promoting the interests of its people
Ensuring factors affecting residents are addressed by the relevant people or organisations
Represent and liaison with the wider Christchurch City
Participating in resource consent hearings, cell site issues and Environment Court proceedings as Shirley’s representative and Chairman of Christchurch Combined Residents Association
1997 Community Service Award
1998 Appointed Justice of the Peace
Shirley Ward must be retained within this new larger ward by a person living in Shirley driven for the wellbeing of Shirley and the wider community.
I stand as an Independent Councillor and Community Board member for the Shirley/Papanui Ward of Christchurch.
Please telephone 385-5110 with concerns.

Pam WHEELER (Labour for Christchurch 2021)
Councillors need to understand community, quality of life and what makes this city tick - I do. I’m an energetic community volunteer, a board member of Canterbury Netball and Time-Out Carers, and on the Shirley Boys’ High School PTA. I’ve lived most of my life in the Shirley-Papanui community, a place I love. My paid work is as Manager of Christchurch’s 198 Youth Health Centre. Previously I worked at the Canterbury Development Corporation. My law degree and business management qualifications will give me skills needed to help manage the multi-million dollar Council business. I’m keen to support the initiatives of the local people to establish a much needed youth centre at Papanui. I’ll also work with residents in St Albans to find solutions to the problems of the build-up of traffic in local streets. I’ll make sure your voice is heard at the Council table.
Norm WITHERS (Independent)
I have enjoyed my first term as your committed City Councillor and will continue to give my very best service to the people of Christchurch. I do not make idle promises as we Councillors only have one vote but I commit to respond promptly to constituents' issues working tirelessly to resolve them. I have proved that I do get things done.
We can all be proud of our city but as a Council we can still improve especially with some of our basic core services which are needed as a result of rapid developments that are occurring all over our city. General safety on our streets is one of my concerns as is the well being of the aged.
During the current term I opposed the potential abolition of rubbish bags advocating the retention of at least 26, I opposed legalising suburban brothels and opposed the Central Plains irrigation scheme.