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City Scene - March 2005
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Tsunami alertsystems to be reviewed

Christchurch residents living along the coast need to be aware of what to do in the event of a tsunami warning being issued.

Christchurch Civil Defence has had a tsunami warning procedure in place for a number of years. Civil Defence officer Wayne Rissman says the local warning system is based on the South Pacific Tsuanmi Warning Centre in Hawaii. When an earthquake-generated tsunami from North or South America is likely to affect New Zealand, the Hawaii centre alerts New Zealand's Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management which then alerts the Police and local authorities.

The Christchurch Civil Defence Emergency Operations Centre would be activated, bringing in the police and other emergency services. Evaluation of areas likely to be affected would be undertaken to determine the extent of the area to be evacuated. Current planning is based on evacuating residents of low-lying suburbs living within 1km of the coast.

Residents in those areas should become familiar with what to do when a tsunami warning is issued. This includes:

  • Evacuate as soon as you hear an official warning to evacuate
  • Go to higher ground or further inland
  • Do not try to enter the affected area
  • Agree on a place outside the affected area to meet other family members
  • Listen to local radio stations for updated information
  • If possible, help neighbours who have no transport.

The tsunami warning procedures includes a traffic control plan that has been developed with the Christchurch Police. Civil Defence personnel would work with the Police to arrange street patrols and coordinate the evacuation.

Mr Rissman says the existing tsunami warning procedures are currently being reviewed, including the distance from the coast that should be evacuated. Establishing evacuation routes and possible signage of such routes is also being investigated.

Central Government is also reviewing tsunami arrangements. After the Boxing Day Tsunami, the Government asked the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management to review tsunami warning systems for the whole country.

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