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City Scene - March 2005
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New overview history draft

The Christchurch Overview History draft report will be available for viewing for a month from March 16 on the new City Council heritage website.

Many people who attended workshops last year contributed their thoughts to the consultant team working on this history. From March 16, the public can tell the Council what improvements or changes they would like made to this history report.

Carolyn Ingles, the Council's Planning Strategy Unit Manager, says public submissions will be an important part of gathering further information and comments. This report is an important first step that will guide the further identification of heritage buildings, places and other aspects of our history that contribute to the city identity. It also forms the first stage in the overview of the Christchurch City Plan heritage list.

A printed copy of the report can be viewed at the Council's Civic Office in Tuam Street, at the other Service Centres and at the Central City Library.

Submission forms for the Christchurch Overview History are also available from these Council offices and on the Have Your Say website.

Leaflets updated

Do you want to know more about heritage and resource consents, or do some research on your house, or know more about heritage listings, or conservation covenants, or heritage grants?The Council has updated its series of 14 heritage information leaflets. These are available online, at and from the Council's main Tuam St office, service centres and libraries.

Website to launch

Heritage information is now available from the Council online at There is material of interest to heritage owners, history buffs and researchers.

The site covers such topics as what exactly is a Conservation Plan and when do I need one? Did you know the Council makes grants to assist with heritage and conservation work on heritage listed properties? Can heritage and development work together? Check out the new heritage information leaflet on this site for some suggestions about this.

Also, what is ICOMOS NZ? For all this and more, take a look and then contact us with your comments about the new site.

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