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City Scene - March 2005
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Unbearable rainy streak ends; sunshine soaks picnic

City Council events organisers were starting to think their annual SummerTimes Teddy Bear's Picnic was cursed.

Rain had spoiled the picnic day for four summers in a row. And although the 1994 Guinness Book of Records listed the much-loved event with 16,837 teddy bears attending, the recent string of wet weather means there are children now at primary school who never had a chance to take part.

Until The Radio Network stepped in to sponsor this summer's picnic, there was a real possibility of it being dropped from the festival lineup.

This year, however, the day was fine and thousands and thousands of children brought their families and favourite stuffed friends along for a little smackerel of something in North Hagley Park. Perhaps the streak is broken.

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