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City Scene - March 2005
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Peace Bell on display at Civic Offices

New Zealand's World Peace Bell has been officially unveiled by Mayor Garry Moore and is now on show in the foyer of the Council's Civic Offices at 163 Tuam St.

The bell has been gifted to Christchurch by the World Peace Bell Association and is to be installed in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens as part of a new city peace walk. Christchurch City Council International Relations co-ordinator Barbara August says, "peace bells are usually gifted to a country's capital city but this one has come to Christchurch in recognition of the fact that we are New Zealand's official peace city".

The NZ bell is a replica of the original World Peace Bell gifted to the United Nations in 1954 and is one of only 19 such bells around the world. It is made of coins and medals from 106 countries, including New Zealand, committed to the promotion of world peace. The bell is 1m tall, 609mm wide and weighs 365kg.

Fundraising is now under way to build a specially designed $70,000 pavilion to house the bell. It is hoped that the bell will take up residence in the gardens later this year. Ongoing maintenance of the bell will be the responsibility of the newly formed New Zealand Chapter of the World Peace Bell Association.

"We have already had fantastic support for this project and are expecting the community will help us reach our fundraising goal," Mrs August says. "There was no cost involved in getting the bell from Japan to New Zealand. The peace boat Topaz carried the bell to Auckland and from there it was couriered to Christchurch by NZ Post, free of charge."

To make a donation or to help with fundraising for the peace bell pavilion, contact Gordon Burrow of the Christchurch Chapter of the World Peace Bell Association on 332 7972.

Find out more about Christchurch - a Peace City.

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