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City Scene - March 2005
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Ocean outfall closer

Christchurch is closer to achieving its aim of moving the city's wastewater discharge away from the Avon-Heathcote Estuary.

Deputy Mayor Carole Evans has handed over to Environment Canterbury (ECan) the City Council's application which seeks permission to build a 3km outfall into Pegasus Bay.

Lodging the resource consent application marked the end of various investigations to prepare an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) for the Ocean Outfall Project. The AEE indicates consultant URS's findings regarding the Ocean Outfall's likely impact on the environment.

In order to build the outfall, 29 resource consents are being sought - 27 from ECan, one from Banks Peninsula District Council, and one from Christchurch City Council. The applications were publicly notified on 4 and 5 February.

All public comment about the consents must be with the relevant local authorities by the afternoon of Tuesday, 5 April. More information about it, with links to the consenting authorities, is on the City Council website, at

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