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City Scene - March 2005
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Christchurch voted best in New Zealand

Christchurch City Council has come up trumps in a nationwide survey conducted by Consumer Magazine.

In last month's edition, Consumer Magazine ran an article rating the performance of 48 local authorities from throughout New Zealand, including the CCC.Surveys were sent to 12,000 people around the country and almost two-thirds completed and returned the forms. The results show Christchurch City Council scored above average in all five categories surveyed: household services, community services, community facilities and staff and public relations. Of all the country's large cities, only Christchurch scored above average in all categories, the magazine says.

"Christchurch joined Napier, Upper Hutt, Timaru, Matamata-Piako and Waipa as the only councils to rate above average in all five categories," the article said.Christchurch City Council Chief Executive Dr Lesley McTurk says it's great to know that residents appreciate the hard work put in by Council's staff.

"The City Council's focus is on the customer and all our efforts are directed towards providing the quality and range of services the residents are looking for, now and in the future," she says.

"But it's also important to understand that the way any town or city looks and works is the result of many decisions taken in the past. That's why we must continue to put effort into planning for the future. "Christchurch is also fortunate to be the centrepiece of a proud, prosperous region. It's now up to the City Council to continue this work and to utilise the resources and people skills it has to create and maintain the quality of city services that people appreciate."

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