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March 2000
Christchurch City Scene

'Welcome, new citizens'

The Obaid family (from left): Balsam, Rana, Hisham, Ahmad and Mohammad. Wife and mother Freil is absent. Along with people from more than 30 other nations around the world, the Obaid family from Jordan became New Zealand citizens at a recent ceremony in Christchurch Town Hall.

Hisham Obaid was a maths teacher in Jordan. Balsam and Rana are now studying at the University of Canterbury and Ahmad and Mohammad are at Christchurch Boys' High School.

In Christchurch last year about 2000 people became New Zealand citizens at 12 ceremonies. Some councils simply read a letter from the Minister of Internal Affairs then hand over a
certificate with a handshake.

But here it is a mixture of solemnity and entertainment.

Most people come in their national costumes; there is music, singing and refreshments.

Mayor Garry Moore hands out certificates individually.

Children are each given a badge or chocolate block with a Christchurch motif. Photographs are taken and everyone is given a native tree.

"Some people have given up their nationality to become New Zealanders," says Sue McFarlane, a Council international relations co- ordinator. "It must be very emotional.

“The Council tries to make it a special day."

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