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March 2000
Christchurch City Scene

Hot debate over road through mall


The hottest topic in New Brighton these days is whether to put a one-way road in part of the mall.

Residents and business people have taken sides on the matter and there have been demonstrations and hours of argument at private meetings, community board meetings, Council committee meetings and a full Council meeting.

At a recent Council meeting it was decided to adopt in principle a one-way road east through the mall to Oram Avenue, as long as the design and parking issues could be resolved. The Council will also investigate a special rating area. So the matter, for all parties in the dispute, is back in the melting pot.

However, one aspect both camps agree on is the redesign of the mall from Oram Avenue to Marine Parade. The Council has set aside about $100,000 for this work. An independent town planner, James Lunday, has told the Council that in his opinion the major priorities are guaranteeing pedestrian safety in the shopping area and ensuring economic vitality and the protection of Council assets.

Opening Seaview Road (northern end) to a one-way slow road, much like the one in Oxford Terrace's Strip area, would depend on pedestrian safety, access to Hawke Street, the upgrading of Oram Avenue for a pedestrian plaza, and the upgrading of Hawke Street car park. This should be funded by a separate rate struck with the business community.

James Lunday says the business community must negotiate redevelopment of properties to provide access to the Hawke Street carpark.

The Council should upgrade part of the mall and support efforts to establish a market and a saltwater spa.

Also involved in the development of the Christchurch City Centre, James Lunday says the Council will have to resolve the divergent opinion "then move back to a mediation position".

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