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March 2000
Christchurch City Scene

Green-fingered helpers wanted


Sue Wilkinson checks progress in the flourishing Linwood community garden.

Sue Wilkinson, who makes an impressive steamy compost concoction, is looking for more gardeners to join her operation.

The community garden is behind Linwood Community Resource Centre, 332 Linwood Avenue, next to Linwood Service Centre.

She wants local residents to take up gardening with her for several reasons: to grow vegetables for their tables; for an interest in gardening, or for the exercise.

While the resource centre has been open two years, the garden at the rear has been formed over 18 months. It was virtually an empty section when Sue and a small band of loyal gardeners started.

Now there are raised beds of vegetables and flowers, a circular herb plot — and Sue’s many bins of rich compost. In fact, the progress of the garden has been determined by the rate of compost production.

Three or four keen workers and a local garden club keep the garden going and either use the produce themselves or give it to the resource centre.

Sue’s next project is to open up a large tract of land adjacent to the garden. She hopes this will appeal to more locals who will be able to grow vegetables there for their own use. “Something along the lines of the English allotment system.

“We need more people to come along and get stuck in.

“I have had a lot of interest, and pupils from Linwood Primary School will be coming when the new area is open.”

When the second garden is established, a gate will be cut between apple and peach trees in the present garden. The new garden will be developed in stages, depending on the volunteer gardeners.

“The gardening concept is not only to burn off energy but to involve the Linwood community in something worthwhile,” says Sue.

Sue would love some old iron baths for growing plants.

PhoneHer telephone number is 389 2202 (Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm).

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