In the Garden City every journey ends at a park Christchurch is internationally renowned for its many gardens and parks. Our private gardens and public parks contribute to creating an environment that gives us a quality of life for which we can all feel proud. A quality of life that we may be taking for granted. Thats because our Garden City of parks could become a city of car parks if the current trends continue Demand for car parking has been growing steadily over the past few years. Christchurch now has more cars on its roads than ever before, and its increasing; the volume of traffic is predicted to rise by 43% over the next 20 years. All these cars are competing, not just for road space, but also for parking. Thats because every journey we make ends at a park. Whether youre travelling to school, to work, to the shops or to the sports field, and whether youre travelling by car, on a motorbike or a bicycle at the end of your journey youll need to park. So parking is an issue that affects us all. Even people who arent travelling are being affected by the growing demand for parking. Apartment and townhouse developments are leading to trees and gardens being replaced with sealed areas to park cars. In the past, the solution was to provide more car parks, and build more car parking buildings but now weve reached a crisis point. Demand for car parking isnt just in the city centre its right across the city from schools and shopping malls, to sports centres, apartment block and work places. Simply providing more car parks may not even solve the problem. Its decision time to us: do we want to live in a city of parks or a city or car parks? We think our Garden City is too precious to risk losing Thats why the Christchurch City Council is developing a parking strategy for the City. This strategy will enable us to balance the need for car parking with the need to retain our quality of life. Since parking affects everyone, its important that everyone has an opportunity to help find the solution to our parking crisis.