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September 1999
Christchurch City Scene

Town-house survey offers prizes

Selected town-house residents have a chance to win a prize if they take part in a Council survey.

Five thousand have been sent survey papers by the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit so the Council can determine its future housing plans and growth policies.

Those who return their survey forms by 1 October will go into a draw to win a dinner for two at Christchurch Casino or one of 10 family passes to a Council swimming complex.

The survey, designed in consultation with the statistics department of the University of Canterbury, is part of the City planning process.

Planner Vicki Newbury says the Council needs to find out why people have chosen to live in new town houses and whether they are satisfied with them.

Information gathered will be used in the development of housing policies and will be vital for assisting the Council to provide for future growth in Christchurch.

Those who have received the survey forms have moved into town houses as in- fill housing developments since January 1994. The survey is confidential and a public report should be ready by the end of the year.

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