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September 1999
Christchurch City Scene

Breaking down Stereotypes

I love My City I love My City The Council is working with young people on a poster campaign aimed at reducing stereotyping of young people.

Youth advocate Robyn Moore says young people are concerned with the way stereotyping by older people affects their lives.

For example, it can make it difficult for them to rent property; make it uncomfortable to shop (if security officers follow them); and labels them bad citizens.

Two of five planned posters have been produced. Each is of a young person and the various things he or she does, portraying

complete images. Robyn says it is important for older people to treat young people individually - not assume they all behave in an anti-social way as only a few do. "We don't assume all middle-aged people drink and drive simply because some appear in the court news for this crime, so why punish all young people for the misdemeanours of a few?"

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