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Christchurch City Scene
August 2001

Neighbourhood competitions to be held for special week

Neighbourhood Week, 27 October - 2 November
Special youth and children’s art competitions will be held as part of Neighbourhood Week along with street parties and other events.

As a successful colouring competition was held by the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board last year, the Neighbourhood Week convening committee has decided to extend the concept to each of the Council’s community boards.

Children up to 10 will have the chance to enter the competition.

The September City Scene will feature the special competition drawing with entry details. Prizes, to be awarded in each community board area, will be $50 for first place, $30 second and $20 for third place.

Each community board Neighbourhood Week committee will judge the entries.

Youth competitions
Youths aged from 11-14 and 15-19 will have a different project with TelstraSaturn prizes to be won.

The youth competitions’ theme will be: "If I ruled the world, what would my neighbourhood be like?"

Youth in the two categories will be invited to write, paint, design a web site, sculpt, sing or create in any way they chose to the vision of what would be different about their neighbourhood if they were in charge of everything.

Projects can be carried out individually or by groups. Entrants don’t have to be at school to take part.

The only constraint on the project is that it must be portable. Closing day for each youth category is 19 October.

Judging of these competitions will be on a city-wide basis with prizes from TelstraSaturn. Each category has three prizes of six months Paradise Internet connection.

Planning has started on some other Neighbourhood Week events.

Community boards will soon be calling for applications for funding.

Anyone planning a street party, a neighbourhood gathering, a community day or some other event to mark the week, might be able to get a donation from a community board.

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